Top 10 Ways to Organize your Outdoor Space for the Best Garden Party

Top 10 Ways to Organize your Outdoor Space for the Best Garden Party

Spring has officially sprung; the nights are getting lighter and the days warmer. Before you know it, it will be summer. Likewise, as the temperature soars you spend more time outdoors. Evenings spend slaving over a hot stove are substituted for blissful barbeques (or maybe a pizza oven if you’re feeling fancy). But, as this time quickly approaches, you want to make sure your garden is ready. Because after all, you want your friends to be green with envy not feeling blue for you and your shabby outdoor space. So, let’s turn shabby into chic with these top 10 ways to organize your outdoor space for the best garden party.

Why You Should Embrace Concrete In Your Next Home Renovation

Why You Should Embrace Concrete In Your Next Home Renovation

The next time you’re scrolling through Pinterest on ideas for your next DIY home renovation project, pay attention to how much concrete you see. It’s everywhere! Instead of sidelining concrete as a construction material that’s just for roads and bridges, interior designers have embraced concrete as the perfect aesthetic for the modern age.

6 Tips to Decorate Yoga Room at Home

6 Tips to Decorate Yoga Room at Home

Peace of mind means a relaxed body and soul. When relaxed, you are capable of getting a lot done. Yoga is one of the oldest body and mind practices currently practiced across the world, designed to help the body relax. There are various yoga postures any person can try out to help with meditation and relaxation. Just the way people have been investing in home gyms, others are designing their homes with space yoga. Previously people depended on yoga instructors to fully benefit from this ancient practice. However, due to tech advancement, people can find various tutorials and publications on yoga for beginners, as well as the basic requirements for a yoga room. Here are a few decorative features you can consider for your yoga room to get it in shape for yoga practice.

Guest Post - How to Make the Most Use Out of Your Balcony

Guest Post - How to Make the Most Use Out of Your Balcony

If your apartment has a balcony, it is the extra square footage that you probably severely underutilize. Using this space as nothing more than storage for things you rarely use is a huge waste of potential. A balcony, no matter how small, can have a myriad of different functions. Also, it can become your favourite part of your home, only if you devote enough attention to it. From a pleasant outdoor lounge area where you can chill and enjoy your afternoon coffee to a full-fledged home office, you can choose from simple to more expensive projects. Here are a few ideas to inspire you.

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