Home Improvements To Complete Before You Move In

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Moving into a new home is an exciting time, but it’s also very hectic. And even though you might want to remodel a bathroom eventually, it might be wise to wait until you’re unpacked and settled to begin a project of that scale. Even then, there are some other factors to consider before starting any renovation.

But there are some home improvements to complete before you move in without furniture, boxes, and pets getting in the way. Learn more about what tasks make sense to tackle before your official move-in date.


If it makes sense for your budget, you might want to replace your new home’s flooring before you move in. Carpeting, especially, takes on a lot of wear and tear and can hold onto allergens. Switching from carpeting to hardwood before moving your furniture into your new home will save you time and money. A professional flooring company will charge more if they need to move furniture.


Painting is also much easier to accomplish if you don’t have to worry about moving furniture and draping drop cloths everywhere. And if you’re planning on hiring professionals to paint, you’ll save money if they don’t have to move items away from the walls. Thinking of painting and redoing floors? Paint first and install your flooring afterward!


Waterproofing your new home is important to consider before moving in. Addressing potential water leakage or moisture issues can save you from significant headaches, which includes checking and sealing basement walls, ensuring proper drainage around the foundation, and inspecting the roof for leaks. Consider a high-quality waterproof sealant to provide optimal protection, maintaining the integrity of your home.

Closet Organization

Unpacking can be much easier if you have shelving and closet organizers installed before moving in. You can choose a DIY option or hire a professional to maximize the storage space in your home. If you know you’d like more closet organization before moving, it doesn’t make sense to fill up a closet only to empty it out again.


Installing a fence can be a great project to get off your to-do list before moving in, especially if you have dogs and young children. Even though you can do this after you move in, it might give you more peace of mind during the chaos of moving in and unpacking.


Changing the locks is an easy task that you can knock out quickly. Every new homeowner should change out their locks because even though the previous owners seem trustworthy, you don’t know who else has copies of the keys.

There are a few other home improvements to complete before you move in, like changing the batteries in the smoke detector, replacing HVAC filters, and childproofing your hew home. Getting these little tasks out of the way will make settling in much easier.

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