What to Do When the Lights Go Out: 4 Ways to Handle Losing Electricity

When your home loses electrical power, your first instinct might be to panic. Whether you’re in the middle of trying to work or watching your favorite TV show, losing power can be frustrating, but it doesn’t have to be a long-lasting problem. Instead of losing your cool, you should take quick measures and investigate the possible cause of your power outage to try to get your electricity restored sooner.

Use Any Available Light Sources

One of the first things you should, do no matter where you are, is find a light source of some kind. Having a way to see means that you keep yourself from being stuck totally in the dark, potentially tripping and falling or posing some other kind of danger. You should have easy access to flashlights and know where these devices are stored beforehand so that you can use them to provide some light. Failing that, your mobile phone also likely has a flashlight feature that can be used.

Check the Fuse Box

Your power outage may be the result of a blown fuse, and restoring your electricity may be as simple as flipping a switch inside the fuse box. A blown fuse is often the result of an electrical overload that usually results from people using too many power sources in a building at the same time. With the use of a flashlight or another lighting device, check to see if any of your switches in the fuse box are switched to an off position and flip them if necessary.

Contact a Professional

If you suspect that your power outage is the result of an electrical problem not easily fixed, a contractor who’s qualified to provide electrical services may need to be hired to determine the exact cause. Whether the outage was caused by a wiring problem or another system component that’s damaged or past its prime, the electrical contractor should be able to implement a solution that restores your power.

Look Online for Local Power Outage Information

It’s also advisable to check online if you can still access the internet with your mobile phone to see if there are any widespread power outages that have been reported in your area. Your utility service provider may post this information on their website along with details of when the power is expected to be restored. Local news websites may also have this information.

You can get through your ordeal of losing power better if you manage the problem with an orderly mindset. Whether or not you can solve the problem yourself or need help from a professional, it is possible to get the power back on and get things back to normal. You just have to be patient and prepared.

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