How to Improve Your Brand Through Office Design

We’ve constantly been hearing about branding, but before you tackle your office branding, first you need to know what it actually is. According to experts, the name of your business, its symbols and colors and its design all fall under the features of one’s brand, and thanks to it, buyers can differentiate your products from those other products. A brand also holds in itself a ton of company values, the culture of your community, your product personality and your internal and external integrity. And while businesses often use big budgets on marketing, communications, packaging, etc., there’s one part of branding that’s often overlooked—office braiding.

If you want to make your offices attractive and recognizable for customers, it’s crucial to add some branding to it. This move has many benefits, but it mostly serves the purpose of improving your brand visibility. So how can you boost your brand through office design?

Separate the zones

One of the first things you can do when designing your office branding is to make a difference between spaces in your office, mainly client and worker spaces. Why? Well, clients and workers have a different experiences in your company, so they need to be treated differently. For instance, it’s easy for staff to see through the client branding because they know all the business secrets and see the products every day. Therefore, they deserve different branding tactics that also send a good message and boost the connection between the brand and the staff members.

Create a carefully-curated color scheme

Colors have a huge influence on human beings, so it’s essential to create a good color scheme in your space, making sure it relates well to your brand. Using colors associated with your brand and logo on the walls is quite logical, so don’t hesitate to do so. However, if your company colors include very bold and bright shades that would be very distracting when placed on the walls, focus on the nature of your industry instead. For instance, if your industry is very stressful, it’s not smart to worsen that stress by using those reds or blacks from your logo or lettering. But let’s say you work in digital industries—plenty of digital marketing options, tech advancements and innovative materials and textures are a great solution.

Add some interesting signage

Signs are one of those things that people are programmed to notice and remember, so make sure to use them in a creative way in your office to boost your branding. With an experienced creative graphic design studio on your side, you can come up with a super fun logo or redesign your existing logo to add some more interest, to display your new offer of goods. From small signage boards to big billboard-size signs, you can go as small and subtle or as big and bold as you want, depending on the nature of your brand. These signs are guaranteed to be noticed, no matter the size of your business.

Put focus on touchpoints

Don’t think you can go crazy with branding. The key to improving your brand through interior design is subtlety—you have a very fine line to balance on. In order not to overdo it, you can focus on the areas that have the biggest impact on customers. This is naturally the reception area which should be branded clearly, so people know who you are, what you do and what you stand for right away. Do the same for the most important areas for your staff and identify the behaviors you want to encourage through branding.

Choose the right furniture

It’s possible to showcase your brand and company values through furniture as well—it’s not all about the walls. If your brand aims to evoke safety, comfort and relaxation, make sure your furniture matches this philosophy. And forget all about the traditional approach of your industry to furniture, and try to stand out in the best possible way. For instance, coworking spaces are leading the way in innovative furniture and branding through furniture with their café designs, homey designs or natural inspirations.

Display and use your products

Some brands offer abstract products that can’t really be showcased in action, but those that can should be displayed and used around the office for clients and staff to see. There’s no better way to tell the story of your brand than through your products. For instance, food-based companies can create a tasting hub or a small kitchen in their central part to demonstrate what they are all about in the best way possible.

Office branding can be one of the best ways to grow your brand and create a meaningful connection with your staff and customers. And make sure that all your branding options are flexible, meaning they can be adjusted for your future brand growth and development—this is a pro tip many forget to use. 

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