Strange Noises In Your Water Heater? Here’s What They Mean

Although you may not always recognize it, your water heater works much harder than most of the other components of your home. Think about all the times during the day when you need hot water. Whether it is for cooking something, cleaning the dishes, doing the laundry, or having a bath or a shower, your water heater must be active throughout all these activities. During the colder times of the year, you may also rely on your water heater to keep your house warm through space heating. 

Most of the time, we just leave our water heaters alone and let them do their job without thinking about it too much. However, that changes once your water heater starts to make strange noises, which can happen from time to time. When these noises arise, they can be quite startling, especially if they happen for the first time. 

Understanding the root causes of these noises will help you know how to resolve them and potentially avoid a costly plumbing issue. The best way to understand what may be causing your water heater to make sounds is to know how water circulates through a water heater and the rest of your home. Here we’re going to go through some of the most noises your water heater could make and explain how you can troubleshoot each of the issues behind these sounds. 

Popping Sounds

Of all the possible noises that may come from your water heater, popping sounds are the most common. If you hear popping sounds from your water heater, it likely indicates that an excessive amount of mineral deposits or sediment has been collected at the bottom of the tank. This tends to happen more frequently when you have hard water. 

Over time, as various mineral deposits, like lime or calcium, move through your water supply, they can become stuck to the bottom of your water heater. Eventually, the sediment at the bottom of your water heater begins to trap water beneath it. The water will gradually overheat, and pressure will build until it forces its way through the sediment. When this starts to happen, the popping sounds will become noticeable.

Fortunately, you can prevent the build-up of such residue even when you have hard water. Getting your water heater flushed and refilled by a professional plumber at least once a year will ensure that the concentration of mineral deposits and sediments in the tank never gets too high. Doing so will also allow your water heater’s overall performance to improve, and it will increase its overall lifespan. 

Screeching Noises

Another noise you may occasionally hear from your water heater is a loud screeching sound. This noise can certainly be quite disturbing, but fortunately, it is possible to fix it. Screeching noises usually occur when there is an issue related to pressure within your water heater. The main problem is the check valves in your water heater’s lines. If for some reason, these valves become restricted and they cannot fully open, water is forced to squeeze through them. As this happens, pressure builds, which ultimately leads to screeching sounds. 

Yet again, a professional plumber can certainly help resolve this issue. They can properly inspect the valves to locate the problem causing their restricted movement. Then, they can fix that problem so the valves can properly open and close again. Once the valves are returned to their full functionality, the sound will go away, and you will no longer have to worry about any other problems stemming from the pressure build-up. 

Tapping Sounds

When tapping sounds come from your water heater, it is another cause for concern. Like the screeching sounds, tapping noises could indicate a problem with your water heater’s valves. It is possible that they either need to be adjusted or replaced. 

Tapping sounds may also result from an accumulation of sediment in your water heater’s tank. In either case, it will be necessary for you to get in touch with a professional plumber, and they will be able to check out your water heater, diagnose the cause of the sound, and resolve the matter before it causes a leak. 

Humming Sounds

Occasionally, you may notice that your water heater is humming. Usually, when this is the case, it means that certain components within the water heater are coming loose. This can happen either due to improper installation or mere wear and tear. 

As components, such as the heating element, come loose, they may rattle or vibrate while the water heater operates, causing vibrations within the hot water unit and creating the humming sound. The good news is that this issue can be easily fixed if you catch it in time. 

First, ensure that your water heater is turned off. After letting it cool down for a few hours, you can thoroughly check all of your water heater’s elements. If you find any that are loose, you can tighten them with the appropriate tools. If you cannot locate any loose parts and the humming sound persists, it may be a good idea to contact a professional plumber for assistance.

Why Contacting a Professional Plumber is Necessary When Issues With Your Water Heater Arise

Your water heater is an essential component of your house, so it can be scary when it starts to make sounds indicating a problem. Sometimes these issues could be minor and can be resolved with a quick fix, but in some cases, they can amount to serious problems. 

That is why it is essential to call a professional plumber when these noises arise. If you leave these matters for too long without getting help from a plumber, the issues can escalate and eventually lead to major problems requiring a costly complete water heater replacement. Nobody wants to go through such a scenario when it can be avoided. When you get a hold of a professional plumber, they can come and assess the problem, then provide you with a solution that will ensure your water heater returns to its normal function once again. That way, you can get back to using it as you normally would, and you will no longer have to worry about the annoying sounds!

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