House to Home Organizing

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4 Tips For a Successful Move 

Whether you’re moving for the fourteenth time in your life, or it’s your first time ever, it never really gets easier.  There are always a million more items to pack than you imagined, and seemingly never enough time to get it all done by moving day. Not only is it exhausting, but it can be downright stressful.  

As if that wasn’t enough, hauling and unloading your stuff can lead to all sorts of disasters if you don’t have a careful team of hands alongside you.

The great news is that with a little organization and a few tips up your sleeve, you can pull off a successful move.  Take a look at some of the best pointers to get you through. 

Start As Early As Possible

The minute that you have an idea of when you’ll be moving, you should start preparing for it.  Start going into your house room by room and deciding what you want to keep and what you want to purge.

Initially, it can feel downright overwhelming imagining how you’ll possibly fit it all into boxes.  But by breaking it down into small individual projects that you start well ahead of time, it won’t feel like such a monumental task.

Get Plenty of Supplies

You can forget about using soggy old boxes that have been in your garage for a decade.  In order to make sure that you have a successful move, you’ll need to equip yourself with plenty of high-quality equipment like thick boxes and packing tape.

Although some people buy their own boxes, you can find plenty of high-quality boxes at places like the grocery store or even in your neighborhood recycling bin.  

Pack Lightly

Even though you might be tempted to fit your belongings into as few boxes as possible, this isn’t always the best plan when moving day comes.  Do yourself (and your back) a favor, and keep the boxes under 50 pounds each.

Not only will it make carrying the boxes much easier for you and your moving mates, but it will also make unpacking easier.  Believe it or not, boxes with more items in them make it harder to find things when they’re packed.  However, fewer items in smaller boxes make it easy to dig in a box and find when you need it.

Color Code

A lot of people are familiar with writing the contents of the box on the outside.  For example, labeling everything from your kitchen with “kitchen” on it.  Although this can be helpful, color coding can be even more foolproof.  It’s easier to spot color for each section of your house than reading an entire word.