
Empty Nest, Right-Sized Life: A Downsizing Guide For Baby Boomers

Empty Nest, Right-Sized Life: A Downsizing Guide For Baby Boomers

For many empty nesters, the echoes bouncing off once-bustling hallways can be a bittersweet reminder of a different era. With children venturing out on their own paths, the sprawling family home that once held so much joy can begin to feel like a burden. Downsizing, often referred to as "right-sizing" for retirement, presents an exciting opportunity to tailor your living space to your current needs and aspirations.

4 Tips for Organizing Your Space When You Move Into a New Apartment

4 Tips for Organizing Your Space When You Move Into a New Apartment

No matter what size your apartment is, it's important to keep it organized so that you don't become overwhelmed by clutter. Fortunately, many apartment units offer multiple basic storage areas to help you get started. How you use those storage areas, though, will make a big difference in the overall organization of your apartment. Fortunately, with these areas properly utilized and a few other storage solutions in place, your apartment will feel roomy and look spectacular.

Guest Post - Top Money-Suckers to Repair or Replace When Moving Into a New Home 

Guest Post - Top Money-Suckers to Repair or Replace When Moving Into a New Home 

It's hard to match the euphoria that accompanies the purchase of a new home. That euphoria can quickly be replaced with disappointment, though, if certain items around your home begin to suck up all of your available cash. That's why it's important to take action right after you move in so that you can take care of these money suckers once and for all.

Guest Post - Moving to a New City: 12 Best Tips to to Make a Smooth Move

Guest Post - Moving to a New City: 12 Best Tips to to Make a Smooth Move

Whether you live alone or with your family, moving to a new place can be challenging. Plus, you get to feel excited and anxious at the same time.

After all, it can be stressful to move your belongings from one house to another. But as with anything in life, relocating can be manageable when you plan.

That said, here are 12 tips that will make moving from one to another a seamless process:

What Pre-Packing Is and How It Helps Before You Move

What Pre-Packing Is and How It Helps Before You Move

You've found a new place to live, and now the big day is almost here. Moving day, that is. Before you can get there, though, you've got to pack up your entire life into boxes so that everything you own can be transported to your new residence. Although this process can be slow and arduous, you can make it easier with a technique called pre-packing. This technique has many benefits that can help make your moving experience far more enjoyable.

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