How to Know if Your Property Has a Broken Pipe

Water is a basic necessity that every household needs, making the plumbing system a vital part of any property. However, sometimes, things break, and water leaks can go undetected unless the signs are obvious and dealt with as soon as possible. A broken pipe can lead to numerous problems if left unattended, such as water waste, increased water bills, and potential structural damage. This article will discuss 5 signs of a broken pipe on your property to help you avoid the expenses and headaches of these issues.

Water Pressure Issues

If you notice a sudden drop in water pressure, a broken pipe is one of the typical reasons. The holes or cracks in the pipe can cause water pressure issues, forcing water out before it reaches its desired destination. You may notice the water coming out of the showerhead or faucet to be unusually weak, making it challenging to wash dishes or even shower. If you experience low water pressure despite these fixtures not being clogged, have a plumber inspect your pipes.

Higher Water Bills

An undetected broken pipe can cause a significant increase in your water bills. To know your estimated usage, compare it with the bills from the previous months. A spike in your invoice can be an indication of a hidden leak. Make sure to check your meter readings, especially if they don't match your actual usage. If you suspect a broken pipe, turn off your water supply until a plumber arrives to avoid more damage and water wastage.

Water Damages

Pipes that burst or leak can result in water damages in your property. It may take a while before you start noticing the damages until they have progressed significantly. Signs of water damages include water stains or discoloration in your walls or ceiling. When pipes inside your walls break, avoiding them gives way for mold growth, which can lead to health issues.

Sounds of Running Water

When there’s no one using your water fixtures, but you hear the sound of running water, it's a sign of a potential problem. Pipes that have leaks or are broken will continually sound like water is running. Look around your property if you hear this, and turn off all your faucets and toilets if the sound persists; a broken pipe is likely the source of the noise. Make sure to call in professionals like BJ Crowley Plumbing Pty Ltd to help. 

Foul Smells

Water leaks and pipe breakages can lead to the growth of harmful mold and bacteria. These organisms thrive in moist environments, and a broken pipe in your home can provide the perfect hiding spot for them. Smelling foul odors may tip you off to the presence of rust, mold, and bacteria developing from the leaks.

A broken pipe can be easy to ignore, and you might think that it can wait until later. However, this can lead to numerous issues, such as increased water bills and damage to your property. It's always better to be proactive and terminate the problem before it becomes a larger issue. By paying attention to the five signs mentioned above, you can detect a broken pipe on your property on time and get in touch with a professional plumber to fix the issue.

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