Guest Post - How to Determine the Best Height for Your Home Fence

If you’re considering putting in a new fence or even replacing an old one, you’ve probably put lots of thought into what you want it to look like, including the materials you want to use, the style of the fence, and even its positioning. But have you considered the height of your fence? There are a number of factors that go into the choice of how high to build that are important to consider before you start buying materials.

As you plan your final design, here are a few things you might ask that will help you determine what should be the best height of your fence.

1. Cost: Not all fences are made the same and choosing wrought iron over wood may make a difference in your budget. The higher the fence, the greater the cost, which means examining what you can afford. Fences generally come in standard sizes of 3, 3.5, 4, 6, and 8 feet. Choosing a standard size means readily available materials and quicker construction time. If you decide on a non-standard height, materials may have to be customized, which increases both construction time and cost.

2. Appearance: Generally, the higher the fence, the more imposing it appears; the lower, the more inviting it is. Combine this with the types or materials you choose and the desired look you’re going for may change. A 3-foot vinyl spaced white picket fence might say “charming,” while an 8-foot fully enclosed wooden fence says “leave me alone.”

3. Purpose: Deciding what you want your fence to do is important to determining height. If you are simply marking your property boundaries, a 3-foot chain link or wooden picket fence should suffice. If you’re trying to keep animals or children contained, a 4-foot fence may be enough (some larger or leaping dogs may require 6 feet). Keeping animals out necessitates little or no spacing between fence pickets and at least 4 feet in height. If you’re trying to keep deer out, you may need an 8-foot fence. Privacy fences usually start at 6 feet and go up to 8 feet, depending on the position of neighbors.

4. Pools: A pool fence is a special case and is often regulated by local or state ordinances. Most pool fences are at least 4-feet high and should have self-closing, self-latching gates. Be sure to check local regulations on the type of fence you must build around a pool.

5. Position: Most front-yard fences are designed to mark boundaries while allowing views of landscaping and the home’s exterior. It is, therefore, common to use 3-foot high fencing in the front of your home. Backyards are more often used for family gatherings, for play, and for allowing animals to run. It is thus more common to build at least 4 feet high in the rear of a home, with many opting for 6- or 8-foot privacy fences.

6. Regulations: Local ordinances and/or homeowner’s association regulations may restrict the height of your fence and the materials you can use. Check all local regulations before you build to avoid having to tear down a brand new fence that doesn’t meet code.

Written by Ivan Young

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