4 Minimalist Tips for Overcoming Consumerism in Your Home

4 Minimalist Tips for Overcoming Consumerism in Your Home

Is your home cluttered? Do you need to discover some new ways to overcome your consumerism addiction? This article can help. We’ve got four tips to help you become a minimalist and give your home the simplistic and organized look it deserves.

Stop and Assess the Damage

Sometimes the hardest thing to do is admit you have a problem. But once you do that, everything else is easier from there. Stop and take inventory of everything in your home. When you take a step back, you’ll notice all the clutter with a fresh pair of eyes.

Carefully assess every room and take note of what’s necessary and what’s a luxury. In the assessment process, also look over your finances. See where you took some heavy hits and note if any of the items you purchased for your home contributed to the damage.

Start a Keep and Toss Pile

After you’ve taken inventory of all your possessions, decide what to keep and what to toss. Depending on how much stuff you own, this process could take a while. Don’t try to knock everything out in one weekend.

Schedule a couple of weekends on the calendar to tackle these tasks. Try and dedicate an hour a night during the weekdays if you can. Letting go of all your possessions is not an easy feat. Instead of giving all your valuables away, consider renting out a self-storage unit to store some things away. If you’re a first-time user, familiarize yourself with the standard rules so that you don’t damage any of your property.

Minimize Your TV and Internet Time

The problem is not necessarily you. To be honest, it’s probably the ads that pop up on your TV, phone, and computer. The internet has a way of telling us we need new things when we don’t. Limit your internet and TV time to avoid tempting ads popping up.

Social media also has the gift of making people long for things they don’t always need. If you see someone with new style furniture in their home or gadgets that makes life easier, it might tempt you to purchase them. Don’t always believe the hype, but until you get to that stage, limit your social media usage.

Consider Your Wallet Before You Buy

Remember that your home isn’t the only entity that suffers from over-consumerism. Your wallet takes a hit, too. While you’re debating on making a new purchase, look over your finances. Carefully assess your account and remember what responsibilities you still need to handle before buying anything.

With each potential purchase, remember to count the hidden cost. The initial price you see isn’t the final price. The things you buy also take up your time, energy, and focus. Depending on what the item is, you might need to set it up and keep it in working condition. Maintenance upkeep will require your wallet, too.

Becoming a minimalist and overcoming your consumer habits for the sake of your home will take some time, but with these tips, you start off on the right track.

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