3 Ways To Add Security To Your Home Without Adding Bars To The Windows And Doors

In today's world, it is no surprise that you and your family may feel less safe than ever before. Whether it is a burglary at home or a shooting at a local store or school, you may have security on your mind day and night, especially when you are at home. While you may think the only solution is to add steel bars to your home's windows and doors, the fact is there are many less drastic steps you can take to keep your home secure. If you're ready to make security your top priority, here are three things you can do right away.

Install a Home Security System

Instead of adding bars to windows and doors, do the next best thing by installing a home security system. Since there are many reputable companies in the home security business, you can find a system that is affordable, easy to use, and provides your home with 24/7 monitoring. Best of all, today's security systems are very high-tech and utilize smart technology, meaning you can download an app to your smartphone and have complete control over the system. 

Upgrade Window and Door Security

Installing bars on windows and doors isn’t the only way to prevent people from getting into your home. You can upgrade your window screens with security window screens that you can’t slice or brake with force. Guardian Security Screens, for example, are screens that are built to help keep you safe. Combine this with upgraded locks on your door, you’ll decrease break-ins.

Get a Dog

If you want a way to make your home very secure while also adding a new four-legged member to your family, consider getting a dog that is big enough and bad enough to scare away the biggest of trespassers. This could include getting a German Shepherd, Doberman Pinscher, Rottweiler, or another breed of a large dog that has a great reputation for being a guard dog. With the proper training, you'll have a dog that will protect you and your family from anything.

Motion-Detection Lights

If there is one thing criminals love, it is a home that is dark on the outside. To make sure criminals don't view your home as an easy target for theft and possibly acts of violence, consider installing a series of motion-detection lights in the front and backyard of your home. Easily programmed, you can have lights shining in various areas of your yard whenever any unusual movement is detected. Once everyone in your neighborhood gets a look at your outdoor lighting system, vandals and criminals will move on to find other homes that are easier targets.

Rather than live in fear of becoming the next victim or statistic, consider using one of or a combination of these three suggestions. Whether you opt to get a guard dog, install a security system, or install motion-detection lighting, chances are you and your family will immediately gain peace of mind and be much safer.

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