What Should Be on Your Summer Prep Checklist

Summer is a time a lot of people look forward to. It’s a time for vacation, barbecues, and other forms of fun in the warm sun. However, summer is also something you should make preparations for long before the temperature starts to heat up. This is especially the case if you are a homeowner responsible for their own amenities or utilities. Before summer rolls around, there are certain home maintenance tasks that you should think about taking care of well before summer actually hits. Doing so can save you from a lot of serious problems later on when it’s hot and harder to deal with them. Below is a short checklist.

Plug Up Air Leaks Around Doors and Windows

Summer is a time when you’ll be running your air conditioning a lot. However, if there are gaps around your doors and windows, a lot of that hot air from outside will simply seep inside anyways and the cool air will be able to escape. This will force your air conditioner to have to work even harder, possibly not getting a chance to stop. However, if you do some simple fixes with things like caulk and weather stripping, these air leaks can be plugged.

Get Your Air Conditioner Serviced

An air conditioner is much like a car engine. It must be serviced from time to time to ensure it’s in good working order. Hire an HVAC company to perform air conditioning services well before summer. You can do some maintenance tasks on your own like replacing filters as well. Doing so will help protect you from the nightmare scenario of your air conditioner failing during the hottest days of the year, which can be anywhere from incredibly inconvenient to possibly deadly.

Keep the Humidity in Check

Beyond the heat, one of the biggest annoyances of the summer can be the humidity. Humidity, in many cases, can even be dangerous to your health. Humidity is when the moisture in the air heats up, making the area feel hotter than it really is and making it impossible to escape the heat unless you’re standing in front of a fan or somewhere with air conditioning. It can help breed mold in your home, and that can badly affect those with allergies. Mold can even devalue your house. Overall, do what you can to keep the humidity in your home below 60 percent. This is especially the case in damp areas like the basement. Purchasing a dehumidifier is probably a good idea. You can even install one that can dehumidify the entire house.

Remove Pests

The summer is also the time when pests like insects and rodents are most active. Part of your prep list should be inspecting your house for signs of pest infestation. Look for sawdust-like material near things like baseboards and other areas with exposed wood. This could be evidence of termites. Rotting or wet wood should also be kept as far away from your foundation as possible.

This is only a starting list of the different kinds of prep you should perform before summer. Overall, keep in mind that your home and its systems require routine maintenance. Neglecting this responsibility could cause you serious problems during the summer.

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