Safety Advice for DIY Home Electrical Repairs

Handling electrical appliances can be hazardous, which is why you are advised to take necessary safety precautions when doing DIY repairs at home. Regardless of the type of electrical repairs you are handling, any slight mistake can put your life on the line. As a DIY enthusiast, the following safety advice may be necessary if you want to prevent electrocution and other related hazards.

Avoid Moisture 

As most people know, water and electricity don’t mix. With that in mind, before you start repairing any electrical device, be sure your hands are completely dry. It will prevent cases of personal injuries as well as electric shock. At the same time, you can use gloves to cover your hands when handling naked wires.

Switch Off Circuit Breakers

Turning off circuit breakers is necessary when disrupting the flow of current. In doing so, you prevent electrocution or damage to the devices in your home. Besides the possible damage, turning off circuit breakers enables you to safely uncover wires or terminals during the repair. However, as you turn off circuit breakers, make sure you start with the smaller breakers before turning off the main switch.

Use Voltage Tester

As you work on electrical repairs at home, there may be wires that need fixing. However, before you lay your hands on them, you may want to detect any presence of AC voltage on them. Sometimes, circuit breakers may be mislabeled. Or, the breaker that you’ve turned off may not be the one controlling circuit you are about to repair. Therefore, the only sure way to confirm you are not exposed to electric shock is to use a voltage tester. While it may seem unnecessary, never skip out on this step.

Always Make Tight Wiring Connections

As a do-it-yourselfer, you probably know that electricity travels along conductors. These are the wires running through the electrical device. As part of the repair, you want to ensure that all the wiring is tightly connected to allow the smooth transition of electricity from one conductor to the other. Note that loose connection can either restrict current flow or cause arcing, leading to overheating or other hazards.

Final Thoughts

Caution is essential when making electrical repairs. While the above mentioned are the most important safety measures, others that are worth mentioning include dressing properly for the job and using insulated tools. If you run into any complications, be sure to contact a professional electrician in your area.

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