How To Declutter Your Wardrobe Before Moving

What takes up the most space when preparing to move? Some think it’s the future. Others believe it’s kitchen wear. But in all honesty, it often falls on the wardrobe. There are clothes, shoes, coats, and everything in between that you need to pack. And if you’re moving with your family, then you have multiple wardrobes to deal with. Here are a few tips on how to declutter your wardrobe before moving.

Find Motivation

Tasks like decluttering require motivation. There is a reason why everything piled up. You put it off because you did not want to get to it immediately, and there are only a few days left until the move. Here’s your first trick: find motivation.

There must be a driving force behind why you want to declutter your wardrobe. If not, you’ll continue to drag your feet and end up stuffing everything in a box. Start making plans about how you want your new home to look. You might need to declutter a few things to create a new flow, including in your clothing storage areas. Keep this in mind whenever things get overwhelming.

Stop and Process

Don’t start collecting boxes just yet. Look through everything before you start moving items around. You don’t want to miss anything, and you don’t want to toss something you might still need. Decide how you want to process the clothes.

For example, you can use the power of piles. Create three piles: one for storage, another for donations, and one more for selling. Anything that’s left over will come with you to the new house. Besides, piles are your best friend when it comes to organization! They are the key building blocks to achieving the result you want.

Sort Through Seasons

It’s easier to declutter when you go through the wardrobe based on seasons. For example, if you plan to move in the fall, some warmer items will stay out because people may need to wear them. Start off with the furthest season from the one you’re in now.

See what items no longer fit or are worse for wear. You might also find some things that are out of style. Consider ordering some plastic cabinets or drawer organizers so that when it comes time to unpack, you can store everything with the current organization system.

Go Room to Room

Trying to tackle a whole home’s worth of clothing is intimidating. Shrink the task down by working with one room at a time. Every wardrobe will have a particular set of needs, and you don’t want to get things mixed up. Work with your family members to determine what clothes they really want to keep and why.

Sometimes you might have to make the final judgment call, especially if you know items need replacing. If you haven’t seen them wear something in the last year, then it’s probably no longer useful. Keep a documented list of which items are in what boxes to ensure everything makes it to your new home.

Don’t put off decluttering the wardrobe before moving. It’s the most time-consuming task you’ll need to complete, but with these tips, it can be a bit easier.

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