Ways To Connect With Nature When You Live in the City

Ways To Connect With Nature When You Live in the City

It’s common knowledge that getting back to nature is good for your health. Indeed, humans need a connection with nature, and we need its healing touch frequently to maintain our physical and emotional health.

That’s a bit of a problem for folks who live in the city, where there are far fewer trees and less grass and green space to enjoy. The fact is, millions of Americans live in cities and highly urbanized areas, far from open fields, refreshing forests, and majestic mountains. If that’s you and you’re looking for ways to connect with nature when you live in the city, you’re in luck! We’ve got the best of them below for your perusal. If the majesty of nature in your city setting is what you’re searching for, read on!

Join Your City’s Community Garden

Many cities and urban areas have community gardens that are, in a word, outstanding. Filled with lovely plants and flowers, they’re great places to get back to nature by digging in the dirt and watching something beautiful grow!

Go Crazy With the Indoor Plants

If you can’t be out in nature, bring nature inside! Potted and hanging plants make living spaces even more livable and add beauty and life to your city apartment or condo. Choose colorful or decorated pots to add a splash of color and class. A few of the easiest plants to keep in the city include:

  • Cactus plants (Cacti)

  • Succulents like jade and aloe vera

  • Philodendrons

  • Spider plants

Hang Beautiful Nature Art in Your Apartment

If you can’t go to the mountains, the next best thing is to see them in all their glory on your wall. That goes for other nature scenes too, like the beach, forest, and more. Even though they’re only photos, the feeling of inner bliss nature art brings can add some joy to an otherwise dreary day in the city. Never underestimate the power of hanging pictures of the natural world in your home; the vistas they offer can bring much-needed visual diversity to your home.

Get Acquainted With Your Local Park

One of the best ways to connect with nature when you live in the city is by visiting a local park. Most bigger towns have phenomenal parks, including Central Park in New York City. That said, even a smaller park can transport you to a place that, while city-bound, brings you closer to nature.

Visit Your City’s Farmers Market

Most cities have spectacular farmers markets offering plentiful piles of fresh produce and food creations. The aromas, colors, and tastes can be a splendid, nature-filled respite from the cold steel of the average city.

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