Options Worth Considering When Changing the Landscape of Your Yard

Knowing it's time to change the landscape of your yard is likely going to be more of a realization than a decision, but what you turn it into will be a choice. Knowing options worth considering when changing the landscape of your yard helps you find what will work out best for you.

Tall Shrubs

Tall shrubs or even fast-growing plants such as bamboo are great ideas to plant around the perimeter of your yard. They won't keep people and animals out as effectively as actual fencing, but they can hide fencing fairly quickly while giving you visual privacy.

Water Feature

If you have natural water running through your property, such as a creek, then you should plan the landscaping around this. However, even if your yard is dry, you can still add a water feature as a focal point. A solar-powered fountain adds soothing sights and sounds without running up your power bill, and a koi pond brings a whole different world to your space.

Stone Gravel

Finding a good stone gravel supplier opens up a lot of options for you in terms of landscape design. Stone gravel is very useful in creating pathways throughout your yard. You can also use it for drainage purposes and erosion control. You might even use it for xeriscaping to comply with water restrictions in your area.

Butterfly Garden

Dozens of plants are known to be alluring to butterflies. Planting just one of them isn't a sure bet to get the magic of beautiful butterflies to call your yard home, but you can arrange a dozen of them in a central location to increase your chances of having something magical to witness at certain times of the year.

Native Plants

If you want a yard that requires minimal upkeep and thrives well on its own, then you need to choose plants that aren't just a match for your USDA hardiness zone but also native to your region. They'll be more likely to withstand local weather and climate with minimal attention on your part.

Choose the Change You Want or Need

Changing up your yard's landscape helps you keep things fresh around your home. You need to consider how long you will remain in your home, however. What kind of yard do you want to come home to if you'll be there for many years? Alternatively, what would boost the home value the most if you are going to move soon? However, all these options would increase your enjoyment of your own yard each and every day.

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