10 Mistakes to Avoid When Buying Office Furniture


Buying furniture is never an easy job, be it for the house or the office. There are so many factors that have to be considered across the board for things to fit; these factors range from the budget available, the space, the needs and the number of people who will be using the furniture. This is not a decision that you make overnight, and it is easy to make mistakes even with all things thought out thoroughly. But that shouldn’t be the case.

We will be looking at the most common mistakes that people make when purchasing furniture for their offices and provide some solutions and recommendations that should help you make the right choices. If you are planning to open an office anytime in the future, then this is for you.

Going for Looks over Comfort


Having an office that looks like a palace is all good, but that shouldn’t be the priority because looks don’t get the job done, but comfortable furniture will get you further. A good looking office chair will mean nothing if it inflicts back and neck pains on your employees. Consider going for a comfortable and ergonomic chair with a headrest that will make things easier for the people who use the office and the visitors who may drop by.

Consider going for a friendly and comfortable chair like the Soutien Ergonomic Office Chair that is built with all the features that provide comfort in the form of a reliable, ergonomic chair with lumbar support system, armrests, padded seats and the best part; it comes with an amazing design that will make your office look classy and refined.

Ignoring Budgeting


Having the funds to get any furniture you may want is not an excuse to go in blindly when purchasing furniture for the office because you may end up buying what you don’t need. Budgeting helps you go through several options, measuring the pros and cons of each potential buy to come with an exhaustive list that grants you the best value for money.

You have to understand that expensive does not always correspond with quality and vice versa. When you create a budget, you are able to make a mental evaluation of a piece of furniture even before the price is spelt out for you. A budget is simply a way for you to reign in on your spending so that you don't go overboard or end up with furniture that doesn't fit your needs.

Buying Furniture Without Warranty


When making big purchases that will affect the health of your business, it is only sensible that you go for products that come with warranties. You must have the freedom to return the products and get your refund without any issue coming up if they don’t align with your needs.

You must also get the full information on the after-sales care that the company handling the furniture sale plans to offer you. Do they cover repairs and maintenance in the first 12 months? Can they provide spare parts when the need for them arises? Office furniture is a lifetime investment, and you have to do everything in your power to ensure that you get the best deal out of the buy.

Ignoring Space Limitations


The office space available is a foremost factor that people consider first before deciding on the furniture they need. The bottom line is that you can only fit what the space allows, so you can’t go around buying furniture that is twice as big as the office space available. Before walking into any furniture dealership, make sure you have the measurement details of your office space.

Going in blindly without that information will only lead to you spending money on the wrong furniture, and if they don’t come with warranties, you will be forced to resize them, which is another added cost. Save yourself the headache by getting furniture that can fit. Consider empty space, too as that is also part of the office setting.

Mismatching Furniture


When it comes to buying furniture, the common practice is to source everything from one dealer; this, way; you ensure that uniformity is adhered to and you get the same quality of furniture for the entire office. But there are moments when someone ends up getting furniture from more than one place leading to imbalances in the office.

Picking different furniture pieces from different suppliers will only end with your office looking like a jumbled mess of different products, and that would not be a good look. You need to get all your furniture from a single source to enjoy the full benefits of warranties, repairs and maintenance services, among many other after-sale perks.

Buying Without Physical Checks


We live in an area where purchases can be made online and the items shipped to the buyer without both parties even coming into contact with each other. That has brought a level of convenience never seen before, but it has also opened a Pandora's box as far as delivering what was bought is concerned. 

Many furniture shops have online stores and websites where they display beautiful photos of their products. Buying the furniture based on the images you see is not recommended. A serious office furniture buyer visits the dealership physically to inspect what they want to ensure they are getting value for their money. Therefore, when furnishing your office, go to the shops personally to check everything out first.

Buying Fixed Furniture


Fixed furniture is the type that cannot be adjusted; you use it the way it arrived. This has its perks; for starters, you have the benefit of using solid furniture that is constructed to last without any moveable parts. On the other hand, you lack the flexibility to switch positions when working, something that is quickly becoming very important in the modern working space. So what’s the best way forward?

You will be better served by adjustable office furniture. The type that allows you to change the height, adjust the desktop and even switch from sitting to standing. In this regard, the best option for you would be a sit-stand desk, and currently, there is none that comes close to what a Vici Duplex Standing Desk has to offer. It is a two-tier height adjustable standing desk that comes with a control panel for switching between sitting and standing on top of being pressure sensitive when weight is applied to it.

Going for Cheap instead of Good


Setting up an office is hard and costly work. You have to handle the rent and pay the goodwill months in advance, and you have to splurge on computers, printers and other machines necessary for work to be done. By the time you sit down to budget for the furniture, you are stretched beyond your limits, forcing you to go for the cheapest furniture you can get. That’s a mistake that will be costly down the road.

The problem with cheap furniture is that it is never designed with any purpose in mind; they are made to simply fulfil the basic need of workers sitting down and doing their work. Very little ergonomics of comfort, style and functionality is incorporated. They don't last long either. It will not be long before you find yourself in the market again shopping for new furniture. 

Don’t compromise on office furniture. Get the best by all means and close that chapter for good to concentrate on other things that may need your attention.

Thinking Short-Term


Anyone who starts a business of any kind always wishes to see it grow at some point down the line, and they do everything in their power to ensure that this comes to pass. When choosing furniture for your new office, you have to think long term with your choices. How soon do you see yourself expanding? Do you have the space for adding more furniture as more workers join the setup? 

You need to operate with the mentality that your business will be growing every six months. With this in mind, you need to go for furniture that will accommodate this growth without any need for extra spending. Think about the space available, where new employees will fit in and use that to make prior arrangements. Thinking short-term will only stunt your progress; self-confidence is everything and that should be reflected in your office furniture choices.


Every accomplishment in life begins with a small step, and the same applies to office furniture. At some point in the future, the business will grow, and you may require a bigger space and more furniture. However, the one thing that remains constant all through is the thought process that goes into selecting and purchasing office furniture. Take your time to avoid ending up with the wrong furniture. Cover all the bases for the best results.

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