Post-Storm Fix-ups: How to Get Your Home Back to Good

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When a storm hits your home and causes damage it can be difficult to know where to begin when it comes to seeing to the work that needs to be done. Storm damage can cause everything from cosmetic to structural damage, destroy furniture and belongings as well as damaging both the interior and exterior of the building. In order for you to make an insurance claim and begin repairs, you are going to need to have your home accessed immediately. These are post storm steps to take to get your home back to good.

Immediately Check for Damage

As soon as it is safe to do so, check your home for any obvious signs of damage as soon as the storm has passed. Take any emergency and immediate measures necessary to secure and make your home safe, or to protect your belongings. Water damage, gas or power hazards, cracks, and other dangerous situations should be reported to emergency authorities immediately as they can cause serious harm to you and the neighborhood.

Consult Storm Damage Restoration Specialists

The next step in assessing any storm damage is to contact storm damage restoration specialists so they can thoroughly look over your home and give you a detailed report on what needs to be done to get your home back to good. They will look at exterior and interior areas, can spot roof and water damage, and recognize everything from wind damage to leaks. This inspection is vital because it will determine the amount of help your insurance will provide to you for repairs.

Contact Your Insurance Company

Contacting your insurance is the next step in getting your home back to normal and will rely heavily on the damage reports you have secured. Make sure to provide all photos, reports, documentation, and receipts for items you have lost due to the damage done. All of these items will be covered in the same claim and are rarely adjusted once it is made. An insurance agent will provide you with a report of items they are willing to cover and often work directly with anyone that you secure to provide the work on your home in order to cover all necessary expenses.

A capable and thorough contractor is able to coordinate all aspects of your home repair after a storm. With estimates in hand, secure recommendations and review previous work done by a contractor before making the best choice for you and your home.

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