Outdated Kitchen Cupboards? Modern Cabinet Styles That Are Both Beautiful and Functional

Outdated Kitchen Cupboards Modern Cabinet Styles That Are Both Beautiful and Functional .png

Many people consider the kitchen the heart of the home, and they want a kitchen with plenty of space, warmth, and style. When it's time for kitchen remodeling, your cabinets will become a topic of conversation. Replacing or altering the cabinets can create an updated look throughout the kitchen at a reasonable price. Here are some modern cabinet styles that are both beautiful and functional.

Stainless Steel

Many people want stainless steel appliances in the kitchen, and stainless steel cabinets can add to the unique aesthetic. Stainless steel provides a durable and easy-to-clean option for kitchen cabinets. They also hold up to heat and water well while maintaining their appearance for years. More and more people see the benefits of this material that was once overlooked for kitchen cabinets.

Stained Wood

Many people don't consider wood modern, but stained woods can better work in your modern design than you might have thought. Wood offers a gorgeous look, and the stain will increase the detail in the wood pattern. To help make the wood fit a modern look, consider going for a black and white motif. You can also add a pop of color, such as red or green, to make things more interesting. Just keep in mind that while wood is solid and strong, it requires a bit of upkeep, especially in the kitchen with a lot of moisture and heat.

Floating Shelves

Modern design lives and breathes with clean lines. You can incorporate clean lines into your design by getting rid of some of the cabinets completely and replacing them with floating shelves.

Floating shelves give you the opportunity to showcase some of your favorite kitchen items. They also cost significantly less than a full cabinet. When used strategically, it can make the space look tidy and more spacious.

Glass Front

Modern designs aspire for a sleek and simple appearance as opposed to bulky, ornate designs. One way to accomplish this is to opt for simple, glass-front cabinets. A black or white border with glass doors is understated and classy while also providing plenty of space for your dishes.

You have a lot of options when it comes to your kitchen remodeling. Many people start with changing the countertops, updating the flooring, or replacing the appliances. However, while these can make a big difference, they can also be expensive. If you want to start with a more affordable option that still makes a big impact, consider updating your outdated kitchen cabinets instead.

An updated, attractive kitchen will make you more comfortable in your home. It can even make your home more appealing to buyers when the time comes. Modern cabinets make a big difference in the kitchen without costing too much. Call your contractor to learn what options you have when it comes to your kitchen cabinets.

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