Common Signs You May Be a Pack Rat

Common Signs You May Be a Pack Rat

Saying goodbye is never easy. If you’re a pack rat, then saying goodbye to personal items is even more difficult. The term pack rat describes someone who saves unnecessary objects. Not sure if you’re a pack rat? Explore some of the common signs you may be a pack rat below.  

You Never Donate or Throw Away Clothing

If you struggle to throw away older clothing that doesn’t fit or isn’t fashionable anymore, this is a common sign you may be a pack rat. Clothing is a tell-tale indicator of pack rat behavior because most pack rats hold onto clothing they no longer wear. Most pack rats associate positive memories with clothing and cannot depart with it as a result.

Common Clothing Pack Rats Hold Onto

  • Childhood clothing

  • High school team or club apparel

  • Clothing that no longer fits

  • Clothing with rips, tears, and stains

You Hold Onto Appliances That Do Not Work

Another common sign of a pack rat is holding onto electronics or appliances that no longer function. If you know someone with a collection of DVD players, VCRs, CD players, and other older devices, then they are most likely a classic pack rat.

Pack Rats vs. Collectors: What’s the Difference?

While many people collect retro appliances and items, the difference between a collector and a pack rat is that pack rats do not use or display these items. Instead, pack rats hold onto these items even though they’re broken and take up storage space.

You Need Extra Storage Space

Needing extra storage space isn’t always a sure sign that you may be a pack rat. Depending on the size of your residence, many people utilize storage lots as a functional solution to keep items they cannot fit inside their homes. However, if you are constantly searching for more storage space or need additional lots over time, there’s a higher likelihood that you are a pack rat.

You Refuse To Call a Junk Removal Service  

When you’re a pack rat, your items are treasures with personal memories attached to them. Even when these objects begin to take up too much space or affect your productivity, pack rats will often refuse to downsize on their artifacts.

Services such as on-demand junk removal companies are available to simplify this process, but most pack rats will struggle to donate or throw away their items.

When you associate a piece of clothing or appliance with a happy memory, it’s challenging to part with that item. Although it’s comfortable holding onto old treasures, your house can become cluttered with unusable items over time. If you think you have the qualities of a classic pack rat, consider calling a removal service to help downsize your storage.

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