Simple Ways To Declutter Your Wardrobe

With Spring fast approaching, you might be thinking it's time to declutter your wardrobe! This is sometimes a time consuming task, but when you set a morning or afternoon aside to get it done, your day to day life will become much easier. These simple tips will cost you barely anything, if anything at all, but will save you so much time and space! So, let’s find out a few simple ways to declutter your wardrobe to help you get organized and stay organized

Take Everything Out! 

Although this might seem like a simple one, the best tip we can give you is to take everything out of your wardrobe! Before you try to sort through anything, take everything out of your wardrobe and drawers, as this will make it so easier for you to see everything you have and make decisions on what you will be keeping and not. 

Sort Into Piles

Now that you know everything is out of your wardrobe and drawers, you can sort it into piles. Go through all of your clothes and sort them into keep, sell and donate piles. When deciding what to keep, consider whether you wear it often, if someone else might get more wear out of it, how well it fits you and how it makes you feel. If you are unsure about whether to keep something, try it on and see how it feels this will help you make the decision! 

Next, create a sell/donate pile. If pieces are in good condition but they’re not quite right for you anymore, you could sell them online or donate them to a charity shop. Even if something isn’t in great condition, charity shops often sell the materials for textile purposes, so it is always worth handing it over! 

Vacuum Pack Off-Season Clothes

Take your donate/sell pile out of the way and now it is time to sort through the ones you are keeping! If you have all of your clothes for every season in your wardrobe and drawers, it is likely to be really cramped and hard to find anything. So, sort your pile into warmer and cooler clothes, then vacuum pack anything that you don’t need for the season you are in. You can store it in a cupboard or loft and you will find that you have so much more room in your wardrobe! At the end of each season, you can simply swap the clothes over. 

Have A Hanger For Each Piece of Clothing

Now that you have more space in your wardrobe because you have gotten rid of plenty of clothes and the rest are vacuum packed away, you should have enough room and hangers to have just one piece of clothing on each hanger. This will make it so much easier to see everything that you have and you are likely to rotate what you wear more! 

Get Drawers For The Bottom Of Your Wardrobe

Last but not least, you should get drawers for the bottom of your wardrobe. Often people don’t utilise the space in the bottom of their wardrobe properly and it can look cluttered and disorganised. So, when you add drawers, you will be making use of the space as well as helping to organise what you have in there. In the drawers, you could store things like underwear and accessories. You could also have a few baskets alongside the drawers for knitwear, tracksuits, jeans, shoes etc. This will look so much more organised and it will make your life way easier! 

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