9 Decluttering Habits to Adopt for the New Year


Decluttering your home has many benefits. Not only will the space feel cleaner, but so will your mind! As 2021 gets started, it’s important to develop these decluttering habits now so you can continue them throughout the rest of the year. Here are some of the best decluttering habits you can start now as the new year kicks off. 

1. Avoid replacing items you get rid of. Your home will never truly be decluttered if you just replace the items you’ve gotten rid of with newer versions. You should seriously consider each item you’re looking at before putting it in your shopping cart. If you already have one or two of the items, do you really need another one? By doing this, you’ll keep your home from staying cluttered and overwhelming. 

2. Take inventory every season. Each season, take inventory of your home. Go through all your closets, drawers and even your bathroom cabinets. No stone should remain unturned. Make a list of items you have and how often you use them. Be honest with yourself. Don’t try to make an item more important than it actually is. If you find items that you haven’t used at all that season, consider donating or tossing them. There really are some items that are seasonal (i.e., seasonal holiday decorations), but other items are usable all year, such as mixing bowls or cleaning products. If you haven’t used certain items at all over two seasons, then you should definitely consider donating them. 


3. Declutter before organizing. You can’t organize things if you have too much of them. Before you tackle organizing any spaces, desks or cabinets, you’ll want to completely declutter. An organized home is a decluttered one – not a home that has organized clutter. In fact, decluttered spaces increase productivity, making it easier for you to organize your space efficiently because you’ve removed all the clutter around you. It will also help you be more productive in your work life and personal life because your space isn’t overwhelming. 

4. Only take on one or two small projects at a time. When you take on too many home improvement projects at once, your home becomes easily cluttered and disorganized. Suddenly, halls are filled with tools, hardware and boxes that wouldn’t be there otherwise and you get overwhelmed just looking at it. To eliminate clutter in your home during projects, only take on one or two at a time, such as installing RTA cabinets. You’ll feel much better in the long run, and your home will stay decluttered.

5. Take stock of your sentimental items. Getting rid of sentimental items – photos, diaries, letters and other keepsakes – can be a very difficult thing to do. Those items were important to you at some point, and some of them still are. That’s why you need to take stock of them. There are some key signs that you should let go of that sentimental item: it’s been packed away for awhile, you’re only keeping it out of guilt or it annoys you to look at it. You should keep the things that still bring you joy or have a purpose for you. For items such as photos or letters, you can scan them into an external hard drive to have as digital copies and clear up space.


6. Minimize the amount of planners you have. Some people have a planner for every aspect of their life. While it’s important to keep everything compartmentalized, consider switching to a full day planner instead of using a different weekly/monthly planner for work, personal and health aspects of your life. You can also keep a small pocket calendar with you or use your phone calendar and reminder app to keep track of events and tasks on-the-go. Using one planner will keep everything together and ensure you don’t miss anything. Use a variety of pens, stickers and highlighters to organize your planner. Draw a helpful key on the front page of your planner to remind you how to set up your events.

7. Write a to-do list. To-do lists aren’t just for your mom anymore. Decluttering your space also means decluttering your mind. You can’t do this unless you have a plan for the day-to-day. In your planner or on a designated notepad, keep a to-do list. You can have multiple ones – one for monthly, weekly and daily. Some tasks you’ll do daily (checking your email, writing in your journal) and others you’ll do monthly (wiping the baseboards). Your weekly to-do list should include tasks such as cleaning the shower, going grocery shopping and vacuuming or mopping. You can set reminders on your phone to keep track, or you can create these to-do lists by hand after each round. 

8. Invest in storage and organizing tools. Traditional plastic storage containers and even decorative ones are great ways to keep track of items. Don’t be afraid to break out the label maker, either. Some Etsy stores even have label decals that you can have customized to match specific items in your home. Things don’t have to look drab. You can use patterned canvas storage totes on your coffee table shelves and leave the traditional plastic storage totes for your hall closet. You’ll want to get clear storage totes, though, so you can easily see what’s inside. That way, you don’t have to worry about purchasing multiples of something.

9. Give your items to a good cause. Instead of just trashing your items as you declutter, consider giving them to a local charity. Some organizations that typically need donations are domestic violence shelters, homeless shelters and addiction recovery programs. When you know your items are going to a good cause, you won’t feel as upset about getting rid of them. It’ll also be easier for you to get through the decluttering process. 

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