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Converting a Small Space Into Your Dream Office

Whether you’re working from home and need to create a small workspace, or your company has limited room to dedicate to each employee, you can find easy ways to convert that space into a lovely little work haven. Many companies will give you the creative freedom to redesign your office into something that helps motivate you and get that productivity rolling. Here are a few tips that you can consider when getting started, from scientifically backed mental stimulation to functional ideas.

Brighten Your Wall Space

When you have a small room to work with and not a cubicle, you often have the option to totally change the color scheme to suit your personal taste. Perhaps you're working from home and have been meaning to take down that ugly floral wallpaper in your spare room and freshen it up with a coat of paint. Or, if you’re in an office space, ask your boss and the building owner if painting is permitted. You also have non-permanent options like removable wallpaper that’s super easy to use, just peel and stick.You can even reposition it if you need to, and it’s easy to remove without damaging the wall.  

Small spaces are best painted in light colors because it will make the space feel larger. Dark colors can create a dungeon effect that feels more cramped. If you will be seeing clients in your office, consider an accent wall of color behind your desk to help center the attention on you. Chalkboard paint is a functional option you can use to paint small or large areas on a wall. Once it dries, you have a working chalkboard right on your wall that can be used to jot down ideas or write important scheduling notes.   

Bring in Some Nature

Studies have been conducted that show just being in nature helps calm us and can relieve stress. It makes sense, since we have been surviving in nature for hundreds of thousands of years before we lived in cities. If you look at big corporations, you’ll always notice they decorate with plants inside as well as the outdoor landscaping. Bringing in a few simple plants can help you stay in tune with nature as you work. Don’t have a green thumb, you say? There are plenty of office plants that are low maintenance (read: hard to kill). Low light plants like spider plants, golden pothos, philodendrons, peace lilies, and sansevieria are easy additions to any desk, shelf, or windowsill. 

Have a hard time telling when plants need to be watered? Some plants can easily be grown in just plain water. Try finding a friend who has a common spider plant and ask to have some of the ‘babies’ that it shoots out. Simply place the baby plant in a clear bottle filled with water and watch as the roots begin to grow and spread into the bottle in a unique display. All you need to do is keep the roots touching the water supply. You could also opt for fake plants or cut flowers as a simple trendy decor option.

Add A Low Maintenance Fish Tank

Your boss likely won’t allow Fido in the office, but perhaps they will allow a more simple and hypoallergenic pet, like a fish. Aquariums have been shown to offer health benefits like reducing work-related stress, lowering heart rates, and promoting calm feelings. Most fish require a bit of work when having to regularly clean a large fish tank, but betta fish are the perfect small space office option. Betta fish don’t need a giant aquarium, and don’t require the use of an air bubbler. You simply need to change one third to half of the water once a week. Betta fish like to explore so their tanks are often adorned with aquatic plants, too, so you can combine your new pet with some leafy green plants to brighten up your office space. 

Hang Calming Pictures

Serene landscape paintings, or pictures of your family, are an excellent way to bring a reminder of your happy places into your office space. They promote positive thoughts and bring back good memories that remind us of why we work so hard - so we can play hard when the work day is done. Visual goals give us the motivation we need to push through the toughest times of the day and overcome issues when work presents us with challenges. Find the perfect wall decor or pictures for your desk that cozy up your office for comfort and productivity.

Be Minimal, Yet Functional

When you’re working with a small space, you need to keep the non-functional decor items to a minimum and opt for items that are useful, yet still look appealing. For example, choose an office chair that is comfortable, rolls and swivels for quick access to the entire office space, and looks like something a boss would sit in. It will give you extra confidence and help your back last throughout the whole day. A functional desk with a contemporary design is your next step. You’ll want it to have all the space saving essentials like organizer drawers, filing drawers, cord holes and hiders, and locking mechanisms to keep your sensitive documents safe. You could also consider other minimalist items like a white board, wall calendar, business portfolio, supplies organizers, and a separate filing cabinet.   

Designing your own office space, no matter what size you have to work with, should be a fun experience in which you can get inspired! Small spaces are also easy to redesign should you get bored with your creation and want to try out some new themes. To get started, try doing an internet search for modern office designs and take your ideas from there.