4 Items Around Your House That Seem Like Trash But Could Be Worth Serious Cash
It's easy to accumulate a lot of stuff over the course of several years. You may have a tendency to let old things sit around the house collecting dust, but you might have some hidden treasures that are worth at least some money. Here are just a few things that could be worth a lot more cash than you might think.
Band Shirts
Everyone likes to wear a classic shirt from time to time, but you might have a few in your rotation that you just don't bother to put on anymore. If so, you could see about giving them to someone who appreciates a bit of nostalgia. Not all shirts that promote singers or bands are worth money. However, original tour t-shirts from decades past that list specific live concerts or appearances could be of significant value to the right collector.
Old Vehicles
Many older vehicles can net you some extra cash if you trade them in, but you might have a need for the working cars that you own. Vehicles that don't run well might be another matter for you, however. They aren't doing you any good sitting in your garage or driveway, but scrap yards are often happy to pay good money for junk cars. You can think of these clunkers as metal money that is in the making, and right now they aren't doing anything but taking up valuable space.
Junk Mail
The various circulars and offers you're never going to take can be pretty annoying when they fill up your mailbox week after week. As it turns out, literal junk mail can be worth money to the right people. There are one or two institutions that will pay you for any useless mail that pertains to banking, finances, travel, or telecommunications. You might start down the path of learning to appreciate your junk mail this way.
Lots of people need to save receipts for tax purposes each year. Given how much buying you might need to do throughout the year, this kind of paper can pile up in a hurry. However, you don't have to chuck it all in the bin after tax time. Some companies understand the value of market research, and they are happy to give you some extra cash to use your receipts in this way. In some cases, you can use apps to get virtual currency that you can then trade for gift cards.
Closets, garages, and other spaces in your home make great storage options, but vintage items could both bring in money for you and free up space for other things. Although these tips list general categories or items that could bring in a decent amount of cash, there are other things you can do to build up a bit of extra pocket money over time. Even taking those extra cardboard boxes you have and selling them could bring in more money.