Guest Post - What To Do About Mold On Walls
Neglecting your property is much more than postponing your urgent renovation projects. If you choose not to invest in your home improvements, your construction will weaken, and you may cause damage beyond repair. As a homeowner, you have to inspect your house every six months to ensure your safety. If you notice any bathroom leaks or plumbing issues, it's vital to fix the problem as soon as possible. Neglecting these issues may cause other problems in the future. Moisture stays trapped in the bathrooms, and if you don't fix the problem on time, mold and mildew will appear on your walls and bathroom furniture.
The fungus that grows on your walls is persistent and dangerous, which is why it's critical to learn how to remove mold and decrease humidity in your bathroom.
1. Identify the cause
One of the first things you need to do is determine why is your bathroom a suitable environment for mold and mildew. It's vital to identify the cause because this method will help you prevent similar issues in the future. Inspect your bathroom for water and moisture damage, and try to find leaks around your bathtub or sink. If you don't know how to deal with these issues, it's advisable to hire a plumber and invite them to inspect your bathroom. They will help you identify leaks, but they will also fix the issue and secure the area around your toilet and protect your home from water damage.
2. Prepare your bathroom and clean the walls
If you notice mold on your walls, it's vital to prepare yourself for the next step. Removing mold from the bathroom walls is messy and time-consuming, and you should protect your bathroom furniture with paper towels or plastic foil wrap before you begin the process. Cover the floors and remove towels and clothes from this area.
Use a clean damp sponge to scrub the mold-affected walls, and protect your skin and respiratory system with protective gear. Mold can affect your immune system and lead to symptoms such as headaches or runny nose.
3. Use chemicals
Water and dish soap can remove the first layer of mold, but you'll have to be persistent and use harsh chemicals to remove it from your walls. Combine water and bleach or baking soda and vinegar in a separate container and cover your walls with the mixture of your choice. Allow it to sit for an hour and start scrubbing again.
If you don't see any improvements after using diluted bleach, you will have to purchase mold removing chemicals. There's a chance that you'll have to invest in a minor renovation project. If you notice black mold on tiles, it's advisable to get in touch with your local tile suppliers and cover the walls and floors with new tiles. You will have to repaint the walls as well, but make sure to invest after you remove the mold from this area.
4. Prevent mold growth in your home
It's vital to learn how to avoid similar problems and keep your house tidy and neat. Open your windows after taking a shower and ensure that your tiles are always clean and dry. Remove access water from counters and bathroom vanities and place a few plants that absorb humidity in your bathroom. Protect other rooms in your house from water damage and fix a leaking roof as soon as you notice the first signs of this problem.
Molds produce allergens and toxic substances that can harm your health and damage your indoor walls and furniture. Hire mold removal and remediation specialists if you don't have time to deal with this issue. Once you notice mold or mildew, try to avoid this area until they remove fungus from your walls. Keep in mind that mold can appear in other corners of your house. Regular ventilation maintains air quality in your home. It's vital to remove access moisture if you want to avoid costly repairs in the future.
Author Bio
Allan Wickerson is a passionate blog writer who is extremely keen on writing about health, lifestyle, home improvement and technology. His exclusive hobby is to surf the net to find amazing articles that can inspire him with some fresh ideas for article writing. He loathes being a common person who wastes his time. Follow him on Twitter.