Guest Post - Top 5 Packing Tips for Your Next Move
When you're moving from one home to another, packing is only one of the many tasks that you're going to need to complete. As you begin going through all of the belongings in your home and putting them in boxes, you want to try to maintain as much organization as possible to make it easier to unpack items when you get to your new home. The following are a few tips for packing and sorting so that your move is as pleasant as possible.
Use the process of packing your home to move to get rid of items that you no longer need or use. If there are items that can't be used by someone else, then make a pile to throw away. Clothing, toys, dishes, and other items that you don't want to pack can be sold or donated to someone who can use them. If they are sold, then consider using the money that you get from them to pay on utility bills at your new home or new items to make your new home comfortable.
Essential Items
Make a list of everything that is packed in boxes. Attach a copy of the list to each box so that you know what's inside of each one. This will make it easier to determine which rooms boxes need to go to when you get to your new home. Keep essential items that you're going to need for the first few days after moving with you in a small container. This container shouldn't be included with the boxes that are put on a moving truck or in vehicles that transport your belongings to your new home. Some of the items that you might want to keep with you include medications, important documents, deposit receipts for utilities, and a change of clothes if you don't plan on unpacking anything right away.
The Right Supplies
Before you begin packing, you need to gather all of the supplies that you need. These include boxes of various sizes, tape, markers for labeling, and newspapers or other materials to put around breakable items. When you're packing boxes, you want to make sure you're not putting too many items in each one as you don't want them to be too heavy. Smaller boxes should be used for heavier items including books and dishes while larger boxes can be used for things like pillows and towels. Try to fill all of the spaces between items in the boxes so that you're not wasting the supplies that you have. When using markers to label boxes, make sure you print in large letters that are easy to see.
One Room At A Time
When you're packing for your next move, you want to work in one room at a time. This will make it easier to stay organized throughout the process of moving and will often make it easier to ensure that you don't leave anything behind. As you begin emptying drawers, closets, and other areas in each room, get rid of items that are broken. Make sure you clean each room as you pack as well so that you leave your home in the best condition possible (we want that deposit back!) Label boxes according to the contents of each room, and different colored tapes can help with color coding. When boxes are taken to your new home, you can put them in their appropriate locations based on the labels.
Ready For Movers
Whether you use a moving company or you're going to move your belongings on your own, you need to have everything packed and ready to go a few days before leaving your home. After items are packed in boxes, they can be placed near entry doors so that it's easier to get them to the vehicles that will be used during the moving process. Offer as many detailed instructions as possible if other people will help you pack so that the moving process is completed with ease.