Guest Post - Water Efficiency Facts Everyone Should Know

Guest Post - Water Efficiency Facts Everyone Should Know

Water is a necessity. You need water for various activities and tasks – taking a bath, washing the dishes, cooking, gardening, and doing the laundry, among many others. However, despite its value, people often take it for granted.

Whether at home, in the restaurant, or even on the road, there’s almost always somebody wasting water. At home, how many times have you reprimanded your son or daughter for forgetting to turn off the faucet after brushing their teeth? While eating in a restaurant, do you ask for water only when you’re sure to drink it, or do you ask just because you can? While driving, how many broken fire hydrants spewing out water did you see?

Spring Cleaning Your Garden – the Essentials

Spring Cleaning Your Garden – the Essentials

If you love your outdoor space, chances are you'll be out in your garden on the first warm day of spring. Surely, there will be some work for you to get your garden up to a standard, but besides removing fallen branches and debris, don’t rush with the clean-up. Wait until the soil is drier so you can work on it easily but again, don't wait too long to start. It will be much easier for you to prune plants before the old growth gets entangled in the new growth.

Here are the essentials of spring garden cleaning and getting it ready for summer days of outdoor joy and relaxation.

How to Turn Your Unfinished Basement into a Home Gym

How to Turn Your Unfinished Basement into a Home Gym

Thanks to our perennially sedentary lifestyle, more and more of us are out of shape than at any time in history. Unfortunately, this trend does not seem to be ending anytime soon. This is why it is absolutely imperative that we take steps to get back in shape. The alternative consists of the evils of obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure leading to heart attacks and strokes to quote but a few drawbacks of being out of shape. However, it does not have to be this way at all. Not if we make exercise an important part of our day-to-day regimen.

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