Simple Daily & Weekly Cleaning Schedules For Working Parents

Simple Daily & Weekly Cleaning Schedules For Working Parents

Working parents do have a lot on their plate and, we give them far too little credit for it. Juggling and balancing on a very thin line between work, family, personal life and, what-not is a superhuman endeavor. In regards to that, they do need all the help they can get. Making their homes squeaky clean and sparkly takes time and talent. But, on the other hand, it doesn't hurt to know a few tips and tricks of the trade.

Guest Post - The Influence Technology is Having on Interior Design Trends

Guest Post - The Influence Technology is Having on Interior Design Trends

Interior design specialists have always possessed a keen eye for detail, and they are capable of keeping one step ahead of the latest trends. While these are both undeniable talents, we also need to remember that technology is now beginning to transform the entire industry. What types of changes are taking place? How might these impact current approaches to home décor and why is this great news for the average homeowner? These interesting questions deserve a bit more attention.

Equipment Necessary for Every Home Renovation Project

Equipment Necessary for Every Home Renovation Project

Is your country still in lockdown or at least under certain COVID-19 restrictions? If yes, then this is the perfect time to tackle some home renovation projects and improve your house. But, first-timers need to be mindful of the tools and equipment necessary for a successful reno. No matter the size of your project, here’s what you must have at hand for any DIY renovation project:

Why Home Waterproofing Is Important in any Climate

Why Home Waterproofing Is Important in any Climate

Waterproofing your home is an important step that is not exclusive to a specific area and climate. You never know what type of weather may hit your area, so you want to ensure your home is prepared for any type of weather. In addition, any climate can cause water damage to an unprotected home. If you are thinking of taking this step, here are several reasons to waterproof your home regardless of the climate.

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