Common Types of Garage Accidents You Can Prevent With Proper Maintenance

Common Types of Garage Accidents You Can Prevent With Proper Maintenance

Many home accidents happen in the garage, and that's no surprise. Often used for storage for large vehicles, countless types of tools and chemicals, plus a range of other objects that have no other place in the home, there’s a lot that can go wrong. Each is an accident waiting to happen. When you're aware of the following potential garage accidents, though, you can take action to prevent them.

What You Should Look for When Touring a New Home for Sale

What You Should Look for When Touring a New Home for Sale

If you are in the market for a new home and find one you like, having a walk-through is certainly an important way to find out if it is indeed your dream home. Yet while you may be mesmerized by certain aspects of the home, it is also important to keep an eye out for potential problems. Before you set out to embark on your next home tour, keep these important tips in mind as you walk around looking at various nooks and crannies.

Got a Hole in Your Roof? How to Patch It up Quickly

Got a Hole in Your Roof? How to Patch It up Quickly

The purpose of a roof is to protect you from bad weather. But, wear and tear, elements, and age can damage your roof, resulting in water getting inside your home. Once you notice a hole in your roof, you should move to patch it up quickly to avoid severe water damage. If the damage is not extensive, you can repair it by yourself as you await the arrival of a roofing expert. Follow the steps below to patch a hole in your roof.

Got an Asphalt Driveway? How to Seal It up Properly

Got an Asphalt Driveway? How to Seal It up Properly

Many people make mistakes when sealing their driveways. Homeowners with asphalt driveways over-seal them, while those with concrete driveways do not seal their driveways at all. A sealed asphalt driveway appears fresh with a black finish, but you should seal the driveway at least once in two or three years. Frequent sealing of an asphalt driveway leads to peeling and an unsightly hairline. The following is a guide on the proper sealing of an asphalt driveway.

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