Details and Accents That Can Make Your Home's Interior Design Pop

Details and Accents That Can Make Your Home's Interior Design Pop

Your home's interior design is a reflection of you and your family. You want it to tell people who you are. Of course, you also want it to look good. And if it pops, that's even better. However, if you're not an interior designer, it can be difficult to create a design scheme that pops and looks attractively cohesive. Instead of blindly trying to figure out what to do, consider these details and accents that can make your home's interior design pop.

How to Check for Siding Damage on Your Home After a Storm

How to Check for Siding Damage on Your Home After a Storm

After your home has been through a severe storm, it is quite possible it may have suffered various types of damage. If you have siding on your home, this can be one part that is prone to being damaged by wind, hail, and various things that may be flying through the air. But once the storm passes, you need to be proactive in checking for siding damage so that you can arrange for whatever repairs may be necessary. To make sure you realize where damage has taken place, here are some signs to look for during your inspection.

Guest Post - What to Do About Hazards Uncovered During a Renovation 

Guest Post - What to Do About Hazards Uncovered During a Renovation 

Home renovation can be such an exciting opportunity! Out with the old and worn out and in with the new, sleek upgrades. They can mean making the most of the home that you love and creating a more livable and appropriate space for the things you like to do. Beyond that, home renovations can greatly improve the longevity of your home as well as the overall home value should you decide to sell in the future.

4 Ways to Spot Water Damage in Your Home

4 Ways to Spot Water Damage in Your Home

Whether you are looking to purchase a new home or simply want to inspect your own, understanding how to spot water damage is critical to preventing bigger issues from occurring. Understandably, this can be difficult for someone who may have never attempted to look for water damage or even know what may be causing it. Thus the following includes four ways to spot water damage within your home.

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