8 Common Water Leaks at Home and How to Fix Them

8 Common Water Leaks at Home and How to Fix Them

A water leak can be one of the most serious problems in your plumbing system if left neglected. Many homes right now are vulnerable to water loss and a higher water bill because of unnoticed leakage. It may seem that a simple leak will not harm your home, however, it can lead to bigger problems in the future. This is because a water leak can seriously damage the structure of your home, at the same time, stimulate an unfavorable bacterial or fungal growth leading to illness.

12 Creative Ways to Decorate Your Outdoor Walls This Upcoming Season

12 Creative Ways to Decorate Your Outdoor Walls This Upcoming Season

It isn’t unusual for a home purchase to include an ugly feature like a neighbor’s fence on the lot line, a cement retaining wall or even a bare wall between widely-spaced windows. While not ideal, you can turn a negative feature into a very attractive feature. A little creativity and some thinking outside the box may result in unexpected positives. Sometimes, planting a few shrubs or climbing plants can make all the difference by just covering an eyesore. Other times, that negative can be repurposed into a feature. Here are some suggestions to stimulate your creativity.

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