Guest Post - Biggest Home Renovation Mistakes You Should Avoid at All Cost

Guest Post - Biggest Home Renovation Mistakes You Should Avoid at All Cost

While seemingly straightforward, a home improvement project will entail meticulous planning and adequate financing. And that's just for starters. Keep in mind that home renovations can be very costly. A kitchen remodel alone can take you back as much as $22,000! Smaller-scale remodels like a bathroom redo can average around $10,000.

Guest Post - The Most Vulnerable Entry Points of Your Home

Guest Post - The Most Vulnerable Entry Points of Your Home

Homes that lack appropriate security measures are the most vulnerable to break-ins, vandalism, and other crimes. When potential intruders, thieves, or criminals target properties, they look for a few specific and easily accessible entry points. Several homeowners remain careless and negligent about home security, making their property an attractive and easy target of burglars.

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