House to Home Organizing

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Tips for Expanding and Organizing Your Flower Bed

We do many things to improve the look of our houses from the outside, such as a fresh coat of paint, lawn art, or a colorful flower bed. A flower bed is a great addition to your lawn and provides multiple benefits, but you'll need to tend to it often. If your flower bed overgrows, there may come a time when you will need to expand it, and that expansion will come with a need to organize. These tips will help you give your lawn the space it needs to flourish.

Take Your Measurements

Before starting, you must ensure you have enough room to expand your flower bed. The border surrounding its edges, length, width, and even the size of the flowers are essential elements to consider. Knowing the flowers you wish to plant and where you will place them is a big help to ensure you have a plan for the final result. You should know what it will look like and make exact measurements.

Remove Any Weeds and Unnecessary Growth

It is a constant battle to ensure weeds stay away from your garden or lawn. Weeds come in various forms and will easily overtake your flower bed. Weeds hog the nutrients your flowers need and take up space that your flowers could use for growth. Uprooting weeds will help your flowers grow healthy, and when you move them after organizing and expanding the flower bed, you will see more space than you thought possible.

Prepare the Edge of the Flower Bed

If you have a flower bed along a pathway, you likely have a border to define the path. Edges along flower beds will help the flowers grow in a stable environment, away from feet that may trample them. Wherever you plan to expand, dig a trench based on your measurements. Cobblestones are a great choice that will help you maintain the edges of the garden and keep the pathway well defined; make sure the cobblestones are set deep into the ground to prevent them from wobbling.

Determine Placement by Plant Type

Flower beds can grow a variety of plants, and it's important to know which ones you want to place in the expanded area. If you have a rose garden, you know that roses need proper care during the summer, and if you move them before they bloom, you will have to wait until next summer for gorgeous results. All flowers have special conditions for their growth and development, and it is important to have an organized flower bed layout so they may continue to grow after you've expanded.

Your home’s flower beds are a key part of your landscaping. Ensure you take careful steps before developing so your garden will look better than it did before expansion.