Secrets To Keep Your House Looking Great
Buy a home, they said; it’ll be fun, they said. Nobody tells you how much time and effort you have to put into keeping your home clean, organized, and looking good. The problem is, a lot of people don’t have disposable amounts of time to spend on home upkeep. You probably work, have kids, a social life, and other priorities. We’re happy to tell you that we cracked the code of home cleanliness and organization. Check out these secrets to keep your house looking great in our guide below.
Handle One Project at a Time
Probably the biggest culprit of a messy home is losing focus. With everything you have going on, it’s easy to open the mail, cook dinner, and sweep the floor at the same time. While it might feel like you’re knocking out a bunch of tasks at once, you’re actually doing a mediocre job at all three. Take a few minutes out of your busy schedule to focus on one thing at a time; you’ll surprise yourself with how effective this method is.
Never Leave a Mess in the Kitchen
A lot of us are guilty of leaving dishes, pots, and pans in the sink after cooking until we “get around to cleaning.” As much as you probably don’t want to, don’t go to bed without cleaning the kitchen after the day. Leaving a mess behind not only looks bad, but it’s also gross and essentially gives you permission to leave the rest of the house in the same condition. Taking care of the mess immediately after will make your life easier, and there’s nothing like walking into a room and seeing it’s already clean.
Declutter as You Go
Having less stuff is the easiest way to keep your home clean and tidy. That’s right—channel your inner minimalist and get rid of stuff when you have the chance. Whether it’s opened mail, your kids’ toys, kitchen utensils, or clothes, if you don’t use the item, then toss it or sell it. Most of us have far too much stuff, so be realistic and get rid of the items you haven’t used in months or years.
Frequency Is Better Than Infrequency
Our home’s floors are one of the focal points of our home’s cleanliness, yet the floor always seems dirty by the end of the week. Well, the reason is that you’re not cleaning often enough. Our floors can use a good cleaning every day or two. Let’s say you invested in beautiful hardwood flooring; cleaning frequently is one of the ways to protect hardwood floors and it’s no different for the rest of your home. Our homes deserve a frequent cleaning schedule to keep them in tip-top shape.
If you implement even one of our secrets to keep your house looking great, you’ll notice a big difference in your home and your life. A home that’s dirty and cluttered is a common cause of unnecessary stress. Don’t let your home do that to you—show it who’s boss.