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Eco-Friendly Ways To Take Advantage of Extra Yard Space

If you feel like your yard is a bit plain or bland, you’re in luck. Making use of open areas in your yard is easy! The challenge comes when you also want to be friendly to your local environment at the same time. These are some eco-friendly ways to take advantage of extra yard space for those up to the task.

Add Some Plant Life

Whether your space lies in a single corner or all around the yard, planting native shrubs and trees invites more wildlife to your yard while naturally decorating it. Creating a border out of plant life is also a great way to add some privacy from your neighbors. Because the plants are local, you won’t have to worry too much about the weather impacting them too much as they’re already acclimated to the local climate.

Create a Miniature Farm

Even if you only have a small space, take advantage of it and create a farm. Hanging gardens are efficient for small areas and only require a strong wooden frame and a few simple items to get started. Vertical farms offer similar benefits. Read up on the basics of starting a vertical farm to ensure it remains stable and fruitful in your yard. Regardless of your final decision, having the ability to raise crops is excellent for those looking to start a new hobby and also enjoy some fresh fruits and vegetables.

Start a Compost Bin

If you’re already an avid gardener, you may know that creating a compost bin is a good way to help an existing farm or garden thrive. Composting works by collecting organic food waste and turning it into highly nutritious sustenance for any plants you are growing. Compost bins also help ensure that as little goes to waste as possible when it comes to the foods you eat. Having this in your backyard is fantastic for growing healthy crops with noticeable payoffs during harvest time.

Collect Rainwater

Water is an essential resource that we must preserve, and you can help by using your space to collect some rainwater. This is great for keeping all sorts of plant life hydrated and healthy. The less you need to rely on the water from your hose, the better. Depending on how large your garden and yard are, you may not be able to collect enough to care for everything, but every little bit helps.

By considering a few of these eco-friendly ways to take advantage of extra yard space, you needn’t worry about the impact your additions may have on the natural area around you. Aside from the challenge of keeping things eco-positive, it is fulfilling to make use of all the space your garden has available. Before you know it, you may start incorporating eco-friendly ideas inside your home!