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Different Ways You Can Liven Up Your Home

During the latter quarter of the year, when the weather is colder and nature’s colors are drabber, it’s easy to fall into a sardonic state of mind. That’s common for those living in harsher winter climates, but knowing some different ways you can liven up your home will help you fight off those negative feelings. Be aware of what you can do to make your home more of a sanctuary during the winter months to offer yourself a reprieve from the cold.

Look Into Different Wall Colors

Generally speaking, people love keeping their walls white or another muted color. However, some colors can help invigorate people, improving their mood and eliminating the downer feeling so common in winter.

Painting walls brighter colors, like yellow, green, or blue, can have a calming effect. Holing yourself up inside with bare walls for months on end can make you feel like a mouse in a cage. Bring some color to your home to remind you that it’s a place of peace and security.

Temporary Wallpaper

Alternatively, if you’re thinking of adding some patterns to your walls, you can invest in temporary wallpaper. These aren’t as hard to remove as your typical wallpaper, so you can swap them out with ease whenever the mood strikes you.

Place Plants Throughout the Home

Besides rejuvenating the walls, one of the best ways you can liven up your home is to place flowers and other plants throughout. In the cold, most plants go dormant, only budding when the weather is more favorable. This takes away from the colors of your environment, replacing them with the whites and grays of winter.

Create your own little oasis by purchasing flowers and strategically placing them around your home. Wherever you turn, you’ll have a bushel of color and sweet aromas to greet you, reminding you what awaits when spring comes around.

Let the Sunlight In

There’s precious little sunlight in the last leg of the year, so you need to make it count. Having thicker curtains covering your windows is good for insulating the home and keeping the warmth in, but having a second set of sheer curtains for the daytime can brighten things up.

Installing thinner curtains allows the sunrays to penetrate into your home, bringing in the much-needed natural light that helps energize people. Once the sun goes down, close the thicker curtains to trap that heat in for the night.

Fight Off the Winter Blues

Melancholy is all too common in the winter, and knowing some ways to brighten up your home can prevent that. Whether all you need to do is get a different set of curtains or pick up a few flowers, get what you need to keep your energy up this winter.