Clutter Zones: The Most Common Cluttered Areas in Your Home

Clutter Zones: The Most Common Cluttered Areas in Your Home

We all have a few places in the home that tend to collect unneeded items. However, some of them build more quickly than others, and many can go unnoticed until it’s too late. Fortunately, by identifying these clutter hotspots, you can make a conscious effort to organize them and keep your home cleaner in the long run. These are the most common cluttered areas in your home and how to stop the accumulation before it starts.

Clothing Closet

Clothing is one of the most prominent types of clutter homeowners struggle with. These items are easy to obtain and difficult to part with once you have them in your closet. Believe it or not, you might not even wear half of what you currently store. Make sure you occasionally sort through your garments and donate any of them that you don’t wear often.

Bathroom Cabinets

A lot of us can collect hygiene products in the same way. Our bathroom cabinets only have so much space, and it’s common for these shelves to accumulate all kinds of clutter. There’s more here than we often comprehend, from extra skin-care formulas to razors and other grooming accessories. If you want to maintain organized cabinets, purge any expired or broken items.

The Garage

Our garage space is one of the largest offenders. Tools, automotive parts, and ongoing projects can all build up over time, creating a space that’s hazardous to even walk through. In fact, cluttered garages present the most significant risk for injury if you trip and fall on unorganized items. For this reason, stay on the lookout for warning signs that your garage is too cluttered, and act before someone gets hurt.

Under the Bed

Another of the most common cluttered areas in your home that you didn’t know about is underneath your bed. Maybe you’re missing one of your slippers, or you just can’t seem to find the other half of an outfit. Somehow, they all seem to find their way under your bed, and it can overflow before you even realize it. Routinely checking this spot will prevent an abundance of clutter and help you keep better track of your possessions.

The Junk Drawer

No list of clutter spots would be complete, though, without the infamous junk drawer. The entire purpose of a junk drawer is to house miscellaneous things that otherwise don’t have a home. However, years of throwing your odds and ends into this drawer can turn it into such a mess that it’s impossible to find anything in it. Because of this, it’s best to organize this area of your home every few months.

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