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Benefits of Synthetic Turf vs. Natural Grass

Sick of your yard not looking great because of the condition of the grass? You can use synthetic turf as a replacement for natural grass. Continue reading for benefits of synthetic turf vs. natural grass. Who knows—synthetic turf might just be the answer to help the condition and overall look of your yard.

How Much Maintenance Is Required?

For your natural grass to look the way you want it to, it needs a large amount of maintenance. Whether your grass needs to be cut or watered, it will need attention and time from you. Synthetic turf is the better alternative because it needs much less maintenance. Yes, for synthetic turf you’ll need to clean off any debris and brush the surface—however, no mowing, watering, fertilizing, or even pesticide control is required.

Look at Water Usage

When you look at the amount of water that synthetic turf and natural grass need, it’s also apparent that they’re not even close. For every square meter of grass, synthetic turf saves about 2,200 gallons of water per year. Overall, synthetic turf saves between four and eight billion gallons of water annually.

Durability and Resilience

Synthetic turf is more durable and resilient than natural grass, and it requires no rest period for usage. This isn’t the case for natural grass due to the fact that rest is required between heavy usage so that the condition of the grass doesn’t deteriorate. This could result in the inability to use the grass altogether.

What Are the Similarities?

The safety aspects of natural grass and synthetic turf are comparable. The same goes for overall sports performance.

When you look at the benefits of synthetic turf vs. natural grass, you can see the benefits that making the switch to turf can bring to you and your yard.