What to Do When Your Shower Drain Is Clogged

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Nothing feels better than a hot shower after a long day of work. However, this personal relaxing time can be ruined if you have a clogged shower drain. Water builds up, and if it leaks over the curb, you may get water damage.

Usually, it is just a nuisance but aggravating. There are many reasons for this, including mineral build-up, dirt and debris, hair, soap scum, and grease

Whatever the reason for the blockage, the result is still the same: shower water not flowing down the drain. What can you do to correct the problem? There are several things you can do alone.

This is what to do when your shower drain is clogged.

Clean Out the Drain

This is a first-step solution that isn't too complicated, and if the clog is just below the drain cover, you should be able to access it with tweezers. If you can remove the cover, you will have better access. Then you can use something to scrape out and pull up what is down there. 

It may be hair mixed with other debris, so once you get it out, throw it into the garbage instead of the toilet, or you might just move the blockage to another location.

Call a Plumber

Call your local plumber to get the job done when all else fails. Plumbers face these problems daily and have the right tools to do the job quickly. They will be able to get you back up and running in no time and offer some sage advice on preventing it again.

Try Plunging It

A plunger is designed to unclog drains and is the perfect tool for the job. There are, however, some concerns about using your toilet plunger as it may be covered in dangerous bacteria. If you can, use a dedicated plunger not for the toilet.

Plunging is pretty basic. You must form a tight seal over the drain so no air escapes. Then, plunge up and down to create force and suction. This breaks up a blockage and may let water drain out.

Boiling Water

Using boiling water is one of the best ways to clear a shower drain blockage. Usually, there will be a build-up of soap scum and hair, along with whatever else you allow to go down the drain. 

Boiling water can melt it and loosen it up enough to wash down the drain pipes. You may have to do a few rounds of this, so get your biggest pots on the stove filled with water and try them out.

Baking Soda and Vinegar

These are two ingredients most people have around their house and, when combined, produce a powerful chemical reaction to eat away and clog. You can do this in two ways.

Pour a cup of baking soda down the drain if there is no standing water, and follow it up with a cup of vinegar. This will reach the clog and start breaking it down. You can also mix the two and pour it down the drain. Either way, it unclogs your drain powerfully.

Plumber's Snake

The next step is to bring out the big guns, and that is a plumber's snake. You can rent these at your local home improvement store or buy one if you think it is worth it. Then, tackle the clog yourself.

Remove the drain cover and feed the snake until you reach the blockage. Don't crank the device; it will work through the clog, breaking it down into small enough pieces to wash away. 

Follow up with boiling water or run the hot water for 5 minutes to help. Make sure to clean the snake afterwards and return it if you are sure the problem is fixed.

Store-Bought Drain Cleaner

There are several brands of drain cleaners on the market, and these are very effective at clearing blockages in your drains. Be cautious when handling this chemical. Try not to breathe in the fumes. 

Follow the package directions and see if this corrects the problem. If you have leftover cleaner, store it in a secure place where kids can't get it. You can also use it down the same drain or in the house.

This is what to do when your shower drain is clogged. Follow each step one after another, until you get it fixed, and then you will return to full shower operation again. And you may need another shower after all that effort and work!

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