Designing Tomorrow: The Intersection of Furniture, Technology, and Human Experience

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Separating architecture from furniture is nearly impossible. The way Le Corbusier showcases contemporary cars in his project photos highlights how the items that adorn a living space reflect the wealth and lifestyle of its inhabitants. Since the dawn of settled life, we have seen the emergence of basic furniture designs that reflect our evolving needs and aesthetics. At an archaeological site dating back to 3,100 to 2,500 BCE, an intriguing assortment of stone furniture was unearthed, including cabinets, beds, stone shelves, and seating options. From the earliest instances, furniture has served as a medium for expressing concepts, from the opulent and lavish pieces of Ancient Egypt, designed to showcase the empire's power and affluence, to the streamlined and practical designs of the Bauhaus, aimed at reinstating rationality in society. Exploring the progression of furniture design is essential for grasping the nuances of architectural styles.

In today's fast-paced world, the rapid evolution of technology and the internet has transformed the landscape, making it increasingly challenging to keep up and fully embrace these changes. The evolution of furniture is evident in its design, production, and sales approaches. Here, we explore various ways in which technology has influenced this realm:

Three-dimensional printing

3D printing has become far more prevalent than we often realize. These machines, now available at more budget-friendly prices, typically operate by layering and adhering tiny particles of various materials like plastic, ceramics, glass, metal, and even concrete. This process falls under a category of manufacturing known as additive manufacturing. It involves transforming three-dimensional designs created on a computer—whether through CAD drawings or 3D models—into tangible objects. This technique utilizes precisely the right amount of material, allowing for the creation of shapes that would be beyond the capabilities of traditional manufacturing methods.

The application of this technology spans from industrial design to the creation of replicas of archaeological artifacts, with exciting research in progress for the production of artificial human organs and tissues, limb prostheses, and beyond. Printed connections and junctions for shelves or benches are only one example of the many options available when it comes to furniture. Other options include the creation of full pieces of furniture.

The Nóize chair, designed by Guto Requena, showcases a fascinating application of 3D printing technology in furniture design. Inspired by a classic of Brazilian design, the Girafa chair crafted by Lina Bo Bardi, Marcelo Ferraz, and Marcelo Suzuki, the Nóize chair's three-dimensional model emerges from a unique blend of the Girafa design and an audio collage of urban sounds gathered from Santa Ifigênia Street in downtown São Paulo. A digital file was subsequently dispatched to a 3D printing machine located in Belgium. This example illustrates how a furniture piece can be created anywhere globally with just a digital file, making it a practical choice for those in remote areas.

The concept of BITS & PARTS chairs revolves around the innovative idea that they are available for free download and can be printed right in the comfort of your own home. Every piece is designed to fit seamlessly, allowing even the tiniest 3D printers to create them, and they assemble effortlessly like a charming puzzle to create a stylish chair. The goal of this product is to make furniture manufacturing more accessible and inclusive for everyone.

Among various innovative 3D printing projects, one that stands out is Zero Waste Lab, a fascinating research initiative where Greek citizens can creatively convert plastic waste into stylish urban furniture. This waste, which is highly polluting and nearly indestructible, is transformed into raw material for innovative furniture, all with the goal of reimagining public spaces in the vibrant city of Thessaloniki, Greece.

While the idea of 3D printing on an industrial scale may currently appear impractical, we might be on the brink of a transformation. However, it may be incredibly beneficial for decorating remote locations and even extraterrestrial environments, as demonstrated in NASA's simulations for constructing habitats on Mars. At present, the development of prototypes, the crafting of unique furniture, and the production of both parameterized and organic shapes have all become a tangible reality thanks to 3D printing.

Augmented Reality

From Instagram filters to engaging interactive games, augmented reality has transitioned from a futuristic concept to an integral part of our everyday experiences. With our cell phones always at hand, equipped with advanced cameras and sensors, technology enables us to seamlessly blend virtual elements into our real-world surroundings. When it comes to furniture, augmented reality apps primarily help users visualize their desired pieces within a real space, enhancing their understanding of scale, color, and the overall aesthetic of the environment as it will appear in the future.

That's why numerous brands are pouring resources into enhancing the visualization of their offerings, elevating these experiences even further. Morpholio, for instance, enables users to seamlessly integrate some of the most iconic furniture pieces into their own spaces with just a few clicks. The iconic IKEA has launched an innovative app that allows users to visualize its furniture in their own spaces, whether it's restaurant furniture or home furnishings.

Alongside visualization, there are also augmented reality tools available to enhance the user experience. Designer Adam Pickard is creating an innovative application that leverages augmented reality to help users assemble the brand's furniture, potentially saving them from a few tears and a bit of sweat in the process.

Connected devices and smart technology

The concept of the Internet of Things (IoT) involves the seamless digital connection of everyday items to the internet and to each other, creating a network of smart devices that enhance our daily lives. Devices like appliances, vehicles, and public equipment, all enhanced with sensors and network connectivity, gather and share data seamlessly. This enables these items to be managed remotely through smartphones or computers, and additionally, allows them to function as Internet Access Providers. Now, we may ponder. What purpose do I have for internet-connected furniture? Yet, there will undoubtedly come a moment when we ponder. How did we ever manage without it?

Beyond its fundamental purpose, furniture equipped with internet capabilities can enhance our comfort, streamline repetitive tasks, keep us on track with our commitments, and even contribute to our well-being. Imagine arriving home to a perfectly cooled space, all thanks to your phone syncing with the air conditioner. By the time you walk through the door, the ambiance is just right. Imagine having the ability to manage your lighting from afar, ensuring the perfect ambiance wherever you are. Picture effortlessly watering your plants with precision, providing them with just the right amount of hydration and soil acidity they crave. The possibilities are endless! Refrigerators have the capability to automatically place an order when they detect the absence of essential food items, requiring only the user's approval before the delivery arrives. This feature can be especially beneficial for seniors living independently or individuals with physical challenges.

However, the possibilities of the Internet of Things extend even beyond that. Research has emerged surrounding internet-connected toilets equipped with sensors and artificial intelligence. These innovative designs can identify early signs of disease and assist individuals in managing chronic conditions such as diabetes. The possibilities are truly limitless, and the Internet of Things has the potential to influence every aspect of our lives, from the everyday functions of a room to the broader distribution of infrastructures across entire states. This innovative technology allows for enhanced safety measures and efficient resource management.


As we settle into the cozy embrace of our couch and open Netflix, the app's smart algorithms are already at play, curating a selection of films and series tailored to our tastes. When we're curious about the quickest route to a destination, a mapping app employs various functions to provide us with a suitable response, which can even adapt as we travel. The concept of artificial intelligence refers to a machine or system's capacity to reason, uncover meaning, generalize, or learn from past experiences.

In the realm of furniture design, the application of AI shines through the innovative concept of generative design, a topic we explored in depth in a prior article. The computer is capable of generating countless iterations, adhering to the parameters and guidelines set by the user, to find the most suitable solutions. Kartell's A.I. is recognized as the pioneering market chair designed using artificial intelligence. Created by the talented architect Philippe Starck in collaboration with Autodesk, this innovative approach to design led to the development of a chair that is not only strong and stable but also visually appealing, all while minimizing material usage. Stark noted that the process resembled a dialogue, specifically between the parameters set in the program and those that were meticulously assessed.

Although some might view these swift transformations as a daunting prospect where machines dominate, the role of humanity is crucial in establishing parameters, setting goals, and guiding technologies in the right direction. Is it possible for a machine to truly grasp the diverse needs and desires of a user? How is it possible for a computer to grasp ideas such as ergonomics or the texture of wood fibers? Absolutely, the future lies in the collaboration between technology and humanity, enhancing decision-making, optimizing resource use, and ultimately improving the quality of life for everyone.

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