Why Having an Organized Home Can Help You Thrive Financially

Recent surveys show that around 25% of Americans admit to having a clutter problem in their home. Most homes have a whopping 300,000 items or more and many of these items have some kind of sentimental value to home dwellers. It may be hard to let go of things you no longer need, but doing so is necessaryy for your mental well-being. In case you need further motivation, take a look at how an untidy home can also affect you where it may hurt considerably: your pocket!

Decluttering Affects Your Psyche

American author, Suze Orman, recommends that families dump all their unwanted items in one central area in their home. Seeing everything that is taking up space unnecessarily, all together, can create feelings of embarrassment and perplexity. How did all this junk find this way into their home? She recommends that family members take a photograph of themselves with this communal pile. If you do this one small exercise, you will find that it causes a profound mindset shift. The next time you’re at a shop and you’re tempted to spend money on something that will take out space without increasing the quality of your life, remember that photo. Recall what a pain it was to put everything in bags and take them to the trashcan. 

Freeing Up More Space

Do you have a gorgeous outdoor terrace that is overtaken with boxes, tables, and items you never use? Are these items sitting and gathering dust, leading you to avoid cleaning up your outdoor spaces? Letting your flooring, walls, and guttering can all result in significant expense. The home services industry is booming, with many households shelling out thousands of dollars to renovate areas such as kitchens, bathrooms, and patios. By keeping your outdoor zones clean and well-maintained, you can ensure that your renovation budget goes to the parts of your home that will make a real difference to your lifestyle. You can reduce unnecessary expenditure on flooring and other areas that can look great for years with a little maintenance and care.

Cleanliness Boosts Productivity

Being productive and going after your goals depends on many factors, one of which is your environmental health. We’re not talking about global warming or the great outdoors. This is more about your surroundings; the cleanliness of your workplace, your home office, and the places where you interact with others, rest, and sleep. Research proves that cluttered spaces impact our stress and anxiety levels, food choices, sleep, and our ability to focus. One study showed that too much visual stimulation restricts the brain’s ability to process information. As visual clutter increases, our brain’s ability to focus on vital tasks decreases because, like our home, our minds only have a certain amount of “space.” 

Saving on Expenses

How many times have you bought a stapler, ruler, or glue, only to search frantically when you need it because you don’t remember where you kept it? More precisely, are you brave enough to open the drawer stacked with items you have to remove, one by one, to find that stick of glue? In a tidy home, things are always placed in the same spot, meaning you find what you need. Regular deep-cleaning and tidying sessions allow you to find and sell valuable decorative pieces, furniture, or equipment you no longer use.

Providing Inspiration

A tidy home can inspire you to sort out other affairs as well, including your finances. The World Economic Forum reports that financial literacy in the US has hovered at around 50% for eight years straight and has dropped by 2% in the past two years. Many people put off aspects such as choosing a sound saving method, creating and sticking to a budget, and making their first forays into investment. Putting off financial organization can have a major impact in one’s senior years, which is why embracing organization in all aspects of one’s life is vital.

If you wish to put your finances in order, embrace organization in all other aspects of your life—including your home. A tidy home can help boost your focus and productivity. It can also ensure you sell valuable items that you no longer need in your life.

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