The Health Benefits of a Well-Organized Outdoor Space

If you're a homeowner who often feels stressed, you may find solace by heading into the backyard. However, if that space is messy and unorganized, it could do more harm than good. Unkempt backyards can cause numerous health issues, from mold and pests to mental unrest. This guide will touch on these topics and provide tips to reclaim your yard.

An Unorganized Yard Could Lead To Pests And Mold

In addition to making it easier to enjoy the space, a clean and organized backyard can protect you from serious health issues. One of these concerns is mold growth. Soiled piles of toys, furniture, or other unused items prevent the airflow necessary to eliminate mold before it starts. Mold can be hazardous over time because it can cause allergic symptoms, including wheezing, coughing, and headaches. If you already have allergies, the results can be worse.

If you notice mold in your yard, you can eliminate much of it by creating a mixture of half water and half vinegar. Spray it near the fungus, and it should kill it off. Then, organize everything in your yard and put it in its place so the mold can’t grow again. 

Another issue with a messy yard is the potential for pests. If you have toys and items that are collecting water, it can become a breeding ground for ticks and mosquitos. Piles of unclean items and debris can become a home for rodents and other unwanted animals. 

While you can try eliminating pests yourself, there are some hidden dangers to consider. For instance, do you know what is in the pesticides you’re spraying? Many of them have dangerous chemicals that can be toxic to your family. If you aren’t comfortable with your pesticide knowledge, consider calling for professional pest control.

Organization Is Better For Your Mental Health

In addition to the physical threats, a lack of organization can also negatively affect your mental health. It’s typical for many people to become stressed when they see a messy house or yard because there’s a lack of order, and it can seem impossible to tackle the mess to make it right again. An organized space can alleviate this stress. Plus, when everything has its place, it’s easier to find what you need, which also makes life easier.

It’s good to organize your yard because getting out of the house can boost your mental health. Going outside allows you to escape the bright lights and sounds of the television, people talking, noise-making toys, and other distractions. 

Plus, being out in nature is one of the best ways to put your mind at ease. That’s because you’re entering a more natural place. You can create an even more tranquil yard by adding more natural elements, such as additional trees and shrubs. A water fountain, bird bath, or similar water feature can also put you at ease with its soothing sounds. 

How To Clean The Most Cluttered Yards

Now that you know the benefits of a well-organized outdoor space, it’s time to start cleaning and removing the clutter. If you’re overwhelmed at the thought of fixing your backyard, follow the Marie Kondo organization techniques. While typically meant for gardens, you can also use them for your backyard space. Essentially, the method involves taking things step by step. 

First, imagine how you would like the backyard to look, and then create a plan. Think about items you can move and which items you can completely eliminate. What furniture do you not use? Which toys have your children outgrown? Remove these items from the space and dispose of or donate them. You can also keep on track by putting items in categories. For example, which items should go in the shed? Which need to come inside?

There are many other organization tips to consider, such as keeping all of your tools in one place, either in the shed or on a wall in the garage. Another idea is to invest in a tall shelf or two and put commonly used items on it so they’re easy to find. 

Finally, a great element of backyard design is setting up designated areas that are dedicated to different uses. So, there could be a zone for the playground, another for sitting and eating, and a space for your garden. It’s a great way to ensure that everything remains in order. Complete the look by adding some low-maintenance plants that look great but require little water so you can have a beautiful yard while helping the planet.  


The backyard should be your sanctuary when you’re looking for a place to escape the hustle and bustle of life. To achieve maximum health and peace of mind, organize your space, and you’ll truly have a place to catch your breath. 

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