Don't Let the Bed Bugs Bite: 5 Indicators That You Have Uninvited Guests
Have you ever woken up with an itchy feeling all over your body? Noticed tiny red spots on your skin? Then, it's time to check for bed bugs, the unwanted pests that might be making themselves at home in your bed, couch, or any other furniture around you. Bed bugs are tiny insects that feed on human blood and are very hard to detect. They can hide almost anywhere and can cause severe damage to your health. This blog post will discuss five indicators that might suggest the presence of bed bugs in your home.
Bed Bug Excrements and Eggs
The first indication that you may have bed bugs are the small and rusty colored spots, which are bed bug excrements on your bed sheets, pillows, or mattress. Additionally, you might notice tiny white-colored eggs about 1mm in length, which are usually attached to any furniture around you. Bed bug eggs are oval-shaped and pearl-white in color, which are usually laid in narrow spaces, like cracks in furniture or walls.
Foul Odor
One of the most alarming indicators of bed bugs is their disgusting smell. Dead bed bugs create a strange and musty odor that is very unpleasant. If you notice this odd smell coming from your bed or furniture, it’s time to investigate.
Bites on Your Skin
People who have bed bugs in their homes will usually wake up with multiple red and itchy bites on their skin. Bed bugs usually bite exposed skin at night, leaving a red and somewhat raised mark that is similar to a mosquito bite. These bites are usually arranged in a row on your skin, which is referred to as “breakfast, lunch, and dinner” pattern. This is due to the bed bugs feeding on your blood several times during the night, leaving a pattern on your skin.
Bloodstains on Your Bed Sheets
After bed bugs feed on human blood, they usually leave bloodstains behind on your bed sheets. These bloodstains will be very small and quite easy to miss, but it's the best visual indication that bed bugs are around.
Visible Bed Bugs
The most obvious way to detect bed bugs is by catching them in the act. Bed bugs are very tiny insects with a flat and oval-shaped body, and they can range in size from 1mm to 7mm. They are usually brown in color and can easily blend in with wooden furniture or fabrics. If you notice these tiny insects before they lay any eggs, you’ll avoid having to deal with more of them later. Make sure to call in professional help like Patriot Pest Management, Inc if you can visibly see bugs!
Bed bugs are usually difficult to detect, but with the above-indicated signs, you can identify their presence early on. If you notice any of the indicators, it’s essential to contact a professional exterminator to address the infestation. Don't let the bed bugs bite!