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How to Identify and Fix Five Common Problems with Circuit Breakers

Circuit breakers play a crucial role in protecting your home or office from electrical hazards by interrupting the flow of electricity when an anomaly is detected. However, they are not infallible, and as with any electrical component, they can experience problems over time. This blog post will outline five of the most common circuit breaker issues you might encounter and how to identify and fix them.

Tripping Circuit Breakers

One of the most common problems with circuit breakers is when they trip regularly. There could be many causes for this issue. One possibility is that your electrical system is overloaded, which means that it is drawing more current than the circuit can handle. Another possibility is that there is a short circuit in the system. To avoid tripping and possibly avoid a risk of electrical fire, it's important to identify the cause and fix it. You could check the wiring around the electrical panel, and ensure that the circuit breaker has not lost any of its ability to trip.

Circuit Breaker Not Tripping When It Should

A circuit breaker that refuses to trip when it should is just as dangerous as one that trips too often. This problem can be caused by a faulty circuit breaker or a circuit that is faulty. It could also be a ground fault which is not detected by the circuit breaker. You can check for ground faults with specialized instruments in the market. If you suspect there are other issues, it is important to talk to a licensed electrician for an expert opinion.

Circuit Breaker Humming Sound

A circuit breaker that makes a strange, humming sound may be suffering from a loose connection, weak circuit breaker spring, or abnormal electricity flow. Humming sounds could be a precursor to more dangerous issues as loose connections may trigger electrical fire. Turn off your electrical panel immediately if you notice any strange humming sounds and call a qualified electrician.

Faulty or Broken Circuit Breakers

Worn out circuit breakers lose their ability to trip effectively and can pose significant electrical hazards. It's important to identify broken or faulty circuit breakers in your home or office and replace them. Faulty breakers can also prevent mechanical switching of electrical circuits, leading to power outages in your establishment. Sometimes, the issue could be just a loose connection inside the electrical panel.

Burned Circuit Breakers

If you start to smell something burning from your circuit breaker panel, it could be the indication of a heavily burned circuit breaker. This can happen if the breaker is overloaded, faulty, or has been short-circuited in the past. If you suspect a circuit breaker in your home is burnt out, you should turn off your electrical panel immediately and call a licensed electrician to access and repair the circuit breakers.

While circuit breakers are designed to last, they can experience problems over time of course. This blog has outlined the five most common problems you'll come across and how to identify and fix them. However, it's important to remember that electrical work can be hazardous and should only be carried out by a licensed professional. If you come across any issues with your circuit breaker or are unsure of how to handle it, it's always best to call in a professional electrician to ensure that the issue is identified and resolved safely.