5 Most Common Air Conditioner Repair Issues and How to Tackle Them

Summer is here, and the scorching sun is making it hard to keep your home cool. With the ever-increasing temperature, it's difficult to imagine life without air conditioning. However, like any other machinery or appliance in your home, air conditioners are also prone to breakdowns and malfunctions. It's essential to know what common issues you may face and the best ways to tackle them. This blog will discuss the 5 most common air conditioner repair issues and provide you with tips on how to resolve them.

Refrigerant Leaks

Refrigerant is the substance responsible for cooling the air in your air conditioner. If your AC isn't sufficiently cooling your home, or you notice there's a leak, it's likely that your refrigerant is leaking. A leak in your refrigerant may be due to rust or wear and tear on your AC unit. The best way to tackle it is to call an air conditioning repair professional who will inspect and repair the leak. They will also check if your refrigerant levels are low and will add more if necessary.

Dirty Air Filters

Dirty or clogged air filters are another common issue that hampers the functioning of your air conditioner. Dirty filters reduce your AC's efficiency, cause insufficient cooling, and may even lead to respiratory problems. It's recommended to clean or replace your AC filters every 30-60 days to prevent issues. You may want to call an expert to help you if the problem persists after cleaning or replacing the air filters.

Faulty Thermostat

A faulty thermostat is another common issue that homeowners face with their AC systems. If your AC has a faulty thermostat, it may stop working entirely. Before you call an HVAC professional, try checking if your power source is okay. In case the power source is not the issue, it's vital to call an expert to replace or repair your thermostat.

Electrical Issues

Electrical issues such as circuit breaker issues or wiring problems may also manifest as problems with your AC. If you notice that your AC isn't turning on or isn't properly cooling your home, the electrical system might be the issue. It’s important that homeowners do not try and fix any electrical problems themselves, as it can be dangerous. Electrical issues should be left to professional electricians and HVAC experts.

Dirty Condenser Coil

The condenser coil in your AC plays a crucial role in the cooling cycle by dissipating the heat carried by the refrigerant. It's widespread for dirt, debris, and mold to accumulate on the coil. Dirty coils reduce transparency and affect the efficiency of the cooling system. To tackle this problem, first, turn off your AC unit, then clean the coil gently with water and soap. If it's too dirty, call an HVAC professional to clean and maintain it for you.

Now that you know the 5 most common AC repair issues and how to tackle them, you're better prepared to face any problems that may arise. Always keep in mind that it's essential to call an HVAC professional to diagnose and repair specific technical issues. Regular maintenance of your unit, including cleaning the filters, can go a long way in reducing the chances of breakdowns. Maintaining your unit well makes it more energy-efficient, cost-effective in the long run, and increases its lifespan.

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