The High Cost of Delaying Foundation Repairs: How to Save Your Home and Wallet
Problems with your foundation can range from small to severe. If you ignore them, however, the former is much more likely to become the latter. Here are a few dangers of delaying or disregarding foundation repair.
Lack of Structural Support in Your Home
Foundation issues aren't just a nuisance but a legitimate safety hazard. The foundation of your home is what provides its stability, so as soon as you introduce sloping floors, crumbling walls, and leaning chimneys, you increase the risk of destabilization. Serious foundation problems can even cause the collapse of your home. It's always better to play it safe when you notice something going wrong with your foundation.
Lack of Options for Repairs
There are different ways to fix something like a cracked foundation. For example, you can use a wall bracing system or a post-and-beam system. You can also install foundation piers made from concrete, steel, and helical materials. Each option has pros and cons, and if you catch the problem early on, you'll be able to weigh the benefits of each selection. If you wait, however, the problem might progress to the point where your only viable options are the most extreme ones. Read more about foundation repair methods to learn what they can do.
Increased Price of Repair
Home repairs never get cheaper over time. They only get more expensive, especially if a crack starts to widen or a sloping floor starts to sink more dangerously toward the earth. You might pay for more costly and extensive repairs if you wait to fix a problem. Another danger is if your foundation issues are also causing other issues around your home. For example, if crooked walls and windows are causing drafts in your basement, your HVAC system might run over time to compensate for the cooler temperatures.
Decreased Property Value
Last but not least, consider the resell value of your home. A property with hasty fixes right before the listing date needs to inspire confidence in buyers. Especially with something as important as a foundation, buyers will want to see a history of stable, well-performing repairs. This can help you increase your overall property value and the ease with which you can sell it.
Foundation issues are the kind where smaller ones can quickly snowball into larger ones. To protect the structural integrity of your home, don't ignore problems with your foundation. Get help from professionals right away.