Best Ways To Keep Your Home Warm This Winter

You never want to go through winter with a cold home. A cold home can make you feel unmotivated and miserable. Luckily, you can find several ways to keep your home warm this winter.

Add Cozy Layers to Each Room

One way to keep your home warm is to add cozy layers to each room. Start with a rug to add warmth and softness under your feet. Next, add throw blankets and pillows to your seating or bedding. Alternatively, you can add cushions to your dining chairs and a seat cover to the toilet. Finish it off with hanging tapestries and heavy drapes.

Install a Programmable Thermostat

Use a programmable thermostat to keep your home at a comfortable temperature around the clock. For example, you may want to keep your thermostat set at 68 degrees Fahrenheit during winter and summer. One idea is to install a smart thermostat that can be controlled with your phone. This way, you can keep your home warm without raising your energy bills.

Have Your Heating System Inspected

If your heat is not working properly, it is time to call a professional to inspect or repair your furnace or HVAC system. You may also need to look into heating installation if your furnace or HVAC system is outdated. While you cannot predict an emergency with your HVAC system, it is still important to ensure your heat is working before winter arrives.

Flip The Switch on Ceiling Fans

Do you have a ceiling fan in your home? You may have noticed a switch on your ceiling fan. When you flip that switch, it reverses the direction of the blades to circulate warm air. If your ceiling fan is still set to cool your home, now is a good time to flip the switch and reverse those blades. This is an easy way to warm up your home for winter.

Make Sure Your Home is Insulated

It is also important to ensure your home is properly insulated before winter arrives. Good insulation is essential to keeping the heat inside and cold air outside your home. Walk through your home to check the door frames and window frames for drafts. If you notice any cold air leaking into your home, use caulk or other insulation products to seal the cracks and holes in your frames.

Whether you want to add layers or you need to have your furnace repaired, it is important to keep the above tips in mind. This way, you can keep your home warm throughout the winter.

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