4 Questions To Ask Before Using Stucco On Your Home

One of the most popular materials used on the exterior of homes, stucco is often referred to as the "face-lift" solution for a home that needs some exterior TLC. However, while it's likely you've heard of stucco, you may be like many homeowners and have little if any idea of exactly what it is and whether or not it's the right choice for your home. Should this sound like you, here are four questions you should always ask before moving forward with using stucco on your home.

Can I Change the Color of the Stucco?

When you first apply stucco to your home, you'll of course love the color. But over time, you may decide you want your home's exterior a different color. Thus, can you change the color of the stucco once it's applied to your home? The good news is you can indeed change the color if you desire. However, don't do so by painting over the stucco. Instead, apply a new layer of stucco to your home, since this will help your home maintain its unique exterior look.

Can Stucco be Applied to a Surface that's Painted?

Technically, stucco can be applied to a painted surface. However, if you do so, chances are the stucco will have a hard time adhering to the painted surface, meaning you'll likely need to call on stucco repair experts at some point to fix the problem. For best results, it's always best if you remove any existing paint before applying stucco.

Will Stucco Crack?

Yes, stucco will crack, and this is actually a good thing for your home. A perfectly normal thing for the stucco to do once it has been applied, the cracking means the stucco has been set up properly and will be able to breathe, both of which mean it will look great for many years to come. Unless you notice very large cracks in your stucco, you probably don't need to worry about the need for stucco repair.

What are the Advantages of Stucco?

Before you decide to use stucco in your home, you'll of course want to know its many advantages. The biggest ones are usually that it's a very affordable material to use on your home's exterior, and once applied properly it requires little maintenance over the years. It's also available in many colors and is very popular as a choice for siding.

Once you learn more and more about stucco, chances are you will quickly realize it offers many benefits that will make it an excellent choice for your home's exterior.

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