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Protect Your Home From Intruders: The Defense 101 Guide

Did you know more than one million burglaries occur in the U.S. every year? Nobody thinks it will happen to them, which is why so many people are unprepared. Home security isn’t easy, but it can be effective if you take threats seriously and know your property’s strengths and weaknesses.

In this guide, we’ll take you through all the devices and strategies you need to protect your home from intruders.

Must-Have Security Devices

Let’s start with the must-have security devices that every homeowner should know. You might already have one or two of them, but they’re most effective when they all work together.

1. 24/7 Monitored Security System

Despite the high number of home invasions, a whopping 75% of houses don’t have security systems. A security system with 24/7 monitoring should be the first item on your list. Many home security companies offer generous packages with cameras, motion detectors and other helpful devices.
The most important feature to include is mobile alerts. Most intrusions occur when the homeowner isn’t around, so you need to have a constant point of contact with your security provider. The company will call or send an emergency alert if the security system identifies suspicious activity, which will allow you and the authorities to act quickly.

2. Motion-Activated Floodlights

In addition to your home security system, you can add your own motion-activated floodlights to illuminate your whole property. Criminals prefer to operate under the cover of darkness, so you need bright lights to expose their activity. Floodlights specialize in covering wide landscapes, leaving you with nowhere to hide.

Your property’s layout will determine how effective the floodlights are. You should install them in the most vulnerable places, such as the front porch and backyard, to ensure they cover maximum space. In these locations, the activated lights will draw tons of attention and scare the culprits away.

3. Video Doorbell

While many homes don’t have a complete security system, they have gotten one thing right — video doorbells. These devices are one of the most popular items on the market today, capturing tons of interesting footage outside people’s front doors. They’ve also helped homeowners prevent vandalism, burglaries, kidnappings and many other crimes.

Smart home doorbells provide mobile alerts, which will perfectly coincide with your main security system. If your doorbell doesn’t film anything unusual, that’s a good thing. It means porch pirates and other criminals know you’re watching them. Once they see the camera staring back at them, they’ll do a complete 180 and look for another target.

4. New Deadbolt Locks

Many people overlook the importance of strong door locks. If a criminal manages to get past your cameras and lights, your door locks are the only things stopping them from gaining entry. That’s why you should get new heavy-duty deadbolt locks ASAP. As the name suggests, the metal bolts can’t be moved by force once you lock them into place. You’ll sleep much better knowing your doors have proper reinforcement.

5. Interior Motion Sensors

You also need some interior security devices in case a successful break-in occurs. Put motion sensors around all of your entrances, including windows. They will silently detect the presence of intruders and send an automatic alert to your security provider. Just make sure they aren’t too obvious, or else an experienced burglar could dodge them.

Home Defense Strategies

Security devices only complete half of the picture. You also need to practice smart habits to avoid making your house vulnerable. Let’s talk about some basic home defense strategies that will help you protect your belongings.

6. Hide Your Valuables 

If you leave electronics, medicine, jewelry and other precious items around the house, your house is an attractive target for thieves. You should put your valuables out of sight whenever you leave the house. Some people use safes or buy furniture with secret compartments that only close family members know about.

This advice also applies to any self-defense weapons you may have. If you have several firearms, it’s best to keep them secured in different places around the house so you’re prepared to stop an intruder at all times. However, you should never leave your guns out in the open. Keep them in secure locations out of the reach of children and don’t tell anyone else where they are.

7. Tidy Up the Landscaping

Burglars often look for thick trees and bushes to hide in. Unkempt landscaping also suggests that the homeowners are negligent and lazy, which makes the home even more inviting to thieves. On the other hand, a mowed lawn, well-tended garden and trimmed trees demonstrate that you’re responsible and spend lots of time outside. Tidy landscaping keeps criminals away.

8. Communicate With Neighbors

Home security is a community effort. If you trust your neighbors, ask them to keep an eye on your property when you’re not around. They can mow your lawn, collect your mail and do other small tasks to make it seem like you’re still home. Of course, you need to reciprocate this generosity and watch your neighbors’ houses in return.

9. Don’t Overshare on Social Media

Lastly, be careful not to overshare on social media. Don’t talk about your daily routine or upcoming travel plans. Avoid taking pictures that show your property’s valuables and general layout. Burglars scour social media all the time for people who share too much personal information. Always stop and consider the consequences before making a post.

Start Taking Home Security Seriously

Home invasions happen when you least expect them. You can’t afford to slack off on home security for a single day — take it seriously at all times so an intruder never catches you off guard. These devices and strategies will make you a master in home defense and set an example for other homeowners in your community.