Sterling Silver Antiques: Tips for Proper Care

Sterling Silver Antiques: Tips for Proper Care

Most people want to handle and care for their sterling silver properly because the pieces have been in their families for generations. If you’ve recently bought a few sterling silver antique items or someone passed them down to you, caring for silver isn’t as challenging as you may believe. Follow the below tips to properly care for your sterling silver.

Carefully Handle Your Pieces

The less you handle your antique pieces with your bare hands, the better. Body oils can speed up the tarnish process, so ensure you wash your hands before you clean or touch your antiques. Tarnish-cleaning gloves are another option. They’re excellent for touching up your pieces without leaving fingerprints behind.

Be Careful With Polish

If you need to polish your sterling silver antiques, ensure you follow the directions on the polish container and always use a soft cloth. Don’t polish too harshly over engraved areas. If the tarnish is too tricky to remove yourself, hire a silversmith to restore your silver.

Correctly Store Your Antiques

Do you wonder if you’re storing your antiques correctly? There are specific ways to ensure you take care of your sterling silver. Silver cloth or anti-tarnish paper are two excellent options that collectors swear by. Silver cloth will help prevent tarnish while they sit in storage. You’ll spend less time polishing and cleaning when you take out your silver tray for special occasions.

Are the extra precautions worth the hassle and money? The short answer is yes. You slip the paper or cloth into the storage chest or container and let it do the work. These precautions are so effective that even museums use them.

Don’t Store Them for Too Long

Sterling silver antiques make excellent décor on a mantle, dining room table, or bedroom dresser. The longer you store your items, the more tarnish they will endure. Rotate between storage and display to let the pieces breathe. Plus, the added sparkle and shine in your home décor will make you smile.

Sterling silver antique care isn’t as hard as you may believe. The above advice will ensure your pieces stay sparkling and shiny for years to come.


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